1300 Clay Street, Suite 1000, Oakland, CA phone fax A Division of Zions First National Bank Peralta Community College District Presentation to the Board of Trustees June 2, 2015
Abbreviated Timeline Peralta Community College District | page 1
2005 Bond Structure Peralta Community College District | page 2.
2006 Restructuring In October 2006, the District purchased from investors the 2006, 2007, and 2008 maturities and restructured $8.8 million as convertible capital appreciation bond due in The 2009 and 2010 maturities were left unchanged. Peralta Community College District | page 3 Original Structure MaturityPrincipal (August 1)AmountInterest RatePrice 2006$1,725, %100% 2007$3,180, $4,110, $5,340, $5,660, Amended Structure MaturityInitialAccreted (August 1)Principal AmountPrincipalInterest Rate 2049$8,800,000$10,688, %
2006 Swaps District entered into six forward starting swaps in 2006 to create a synthetic fixed rate financing. Presentation to the Las Lomitas Elementary School District Board of Trustees | page 4 AmortizingEffective Fixed Rate SeriesNational ($MM)DateMaturity(Act/360) B-1$ /5/20108/5/ % B /5/20158/5/ % B /5/20208/5/ % B /5/20258/5/ % B /5/20318/5/ % B /5/20398/5/ % Total notinal$
2009 Restructuring In February 2009, the District structured the B-1 ARS tranche as fixed rate bond. The 2005 current interest rate maturities of 2009 and 2010 were refunded into the 2009 financing. Peralta Community College District | page 5 Amended Structure MaturityPrincipal AmountInterest RatePrice (August 1) 2010$3,660, ,785, ,120, ,720, ,440, Original Structure MaturityPrincipal (August 1)AmountInterest Rate Price 2009$5,340, ,660, ,590,
2011 Restructuring In October 2011, the District refunded and restructured the 2009 bonds to smooth debt service payments. Peralta Community College District | page 6 Amended Structure Maturity (Aug1)Principal AmountInterest RatePrice 20131,595, % ,590, ,265, ,095, ,270, ,695, ,465, ,570, ,120, ,400, ,965, ,005, ,825, ,645, Original Structure Maturity (Aug 1)Principal AmountInterest RatePrice 2010$3,660, ,785, ,120, ,720, ,440,
Prior Financing Review Peralta Community College District| page 7 December 2005Issued $153.7 million in Bonds, including convertible CABs to fund $150 million of Retiree Health Benefit Costs. October 2006Through an exchange and modification of bonds, $8.8 million of bonds originally maturing in were extended through November 2006Entered into six fixed rate forward starting interest rate swaps (receiving LIBOR & paying fixed rate) February 2009Restructured remaining 2005 fixed-rate bonds maturing in and B-1 Tranche of ARS into fixed-rate bonds maturing from October 2011Restructured February 2009 transaction, maturities from to mature from
Current Situation Peralta Community College District | page 8 The District’s B-2 Tranche if fully accreted at $38, on August 5, 2015 B-2 Tranche would automatically covert into Auction Rate Securities (ARS) ARS market remains dormant with high interest rates Investors of B-2 Tranche would receive the default rate of 17% of converted to ARS Indenture requires several steps to convert B-2 into variable rate bond. B-2 Interest rate swap starts August 5, 2015 In the current market, the District would pay a fixed rate of 5.158% and receive LIBOR (currently about 0.20%) from Morgan Stanley
Options Convert ARS to Fixed rate bonds Twenty year maturity Current interest Bonds Callable in 10 years With or without swap Termination is approximately equal to five week payments over 5 years Convert ARS to Variable Rate Bonds with 5 year maturity With credit enhancement Letter of Credit Highest credit rating Callable With out credit enhancement No rating Private Placement Presentation to the Las Lomitas Elementary School District Board of Trustees | page 9
Plan of Finance Peralta Community College District | page 10 Convert B-2 tranche of ARS into variable rate bonds Variable rate bonds (VRDOs) are an alternative for the ARS VRDOs require credit enhancement and a broker-dealer to reset the interest rates on the bonds on a weekly basis Callable on a weekly basis and will provide flexibility for the District to redeem or restructure bonds if needed Swap in place to mitigate some interest rate expense
Approval of Financing Peralta Community College District | page 11 The District is approving a resolution that authorizes the process to convert ARS into a variable rate bond The District is also approving: Form of the Reimbursement Agreement with Barclays Bank plc Supplemental Indenture to allow the financing mechanics to accomplish this financing Going forward, the District will approve an offering disclosure document (Official Statemetn) as well as a remarketing agent agreement at a future meeting