Agenda: Goals of this PD (5min) Tour of ExitTicket (10min) How to Start (10min) Start (at your pace)
2: Save time planning & grading 3: Instructional impact 1: Engage students Goals: tour will be in 3 short parts
Engage Students: students answer questions
Engage Students: students get results immediately
Engage Students: why was 12 a good trap?
Empower Teachers: welcome
Empower Teachers: share content & save time
Empower Teachers: making questions
Instructional Impact: standards-based scorebook
Instructional Impact: differentiation is much easier
Start: create an account Login Username: school Password: flastname Example: jocarrion
Check out the User Guide View your school’s information, including the courses you teach and the class periods in each subject-area Start: adding your classes
Start: add Apps from the App Center
Math Teachers - Install the Math Engine App Install Premium Teacher package to add TEKS to your questions for DAQ tracking
Start: add/edit Learning Targets (TEKS)
HINT: Use Command C to Copy Command V to Paste
Start: add/edit Learning Targets (TEKS)
Start: add an assessment
Start: share your assessment Click on My Account Then on Settings & Preferences
Start: share your assessment with your school Under the Sharing & Collaboration Tab Share your Assessments and Questions with Your School
Start: share your assessment with your school Locate another teacher’s question OR duplicate one of your own in the Item Bank’s Main Library Filter Assessments by School or even by Teacher
Start: add Students After selecting a CLASS, Click Add Students to see the class code
Start: add Students
When students join your class for the first time they can enter your class code Next time they login to Exit Ticket they will see your class automatically and any other classes that they have already joined.
Start: add Students FIRST time on Exit Ticket in ANY class: Create an Account Username firstname.lastname Password MMDDYYYY Already have an Exit Ticket Account: Login at