Scintillator-ECAL Beam Test Scintillator-strip ECAL Beam DESY My task and achievement at DESY Contents Satoru Uozumi Shinshu University, Japan Nov DESY HCAL meeting
Mega-strip scintillator MPPCs (1600 pixels) WLSF Frame Φ mm
Scintillator-ECAL Beam DESY in Feb - Mar 2007 WLSF Readout Direct Readout WLSF readout (Mega-strip) Direct readout (Mega-strip) WLSF readout (KNU, by extrusion) Goal : to check basic performance of the ECAL module with full MPPC readout. 27 layers
9cm Frame Base board 50cm 20cm Scintillator-ECAL Beam DESY (cont.) FPCB : Flexible Printed Circuit Board e + beam AHCAL base board
MPPC coupling to scint. WLSF readoutDirect readout Sufficient number of photons !! 1 cm 4.5cm 3 mm thick -ray source
My DESY - collect necessary information toward the beam test - Learn about CALICE AHCAL readout electronics –Actual operation of the DAQ system –Confirm it has satisfactory performance for the GLD ECAL beam test Gain of ASIC amp Bias voltage setting for individual MPPC Pedestal – 1 p.e. peaks separation with the MPPC Dynamic range of the Amp and ADC with 1600 pixel Data analysis –Basic analysis scheme with the CALICE analysis framework Other stuffs –Movable stage, LED monitor, Drift chambers, trigger counters, etc…
Pedestal – 1 p.e. Peaks Separation (Calibration mode) Coaxial ~ 2 m To AHCAL baseboard MPPC Clear fiber LED V bias – V 0 = 1.95 V V bias – V 0 = 2.95 V
Dynamic range (Physics mode) Pedestal (~1123 ADC counts) Saturated MPPC Signal (~20220 ADC counts) ( ) / 226 * 19.1 = 1603 pixels Distance between pededestal – 1 p.e. In Calibration mode Ratio of Gains between calib. and phys. mode The Dynamic range is enough for 1600 pixels. V bias – V 0 = 2.95 V
My DESY Learn about AHCAL readout electronics –Actual operation of the DAQ system – Done –Confirm it has enough performance for the GLD ECAL beamtest – Done Peaks separation with the MPPC – Done Gain of ASIC – Done Bias voltage control for individual MPPC – Done Dynamic range – Done Data analysis –Basic analysis scheme with the CALICE analysis framework - Done Other stuffs –Movable stage - Done –Drift chambers – readout modules are now at CERN should be easy to operate –Trigger counters – Should be no problem Now all done !!
I really appreciate Beni, Erika, Felix, Sebastian, Niels, Nicola, Alexandra, Peter, and all the CALICE people at DESY ! [ Kan-sha … Lots of appreciation ]
scintillators Kuraray plastic scintillator SCS : Mega strip Kyugpook N. U : extruded scinti. made from a plate grooves for WLSF and separation a hole outer shield by TiO2 TT - ECFA-Valencia Nov-2006
ECAL BT’s at DESY, verify basic performance by e+ beam at Fermilab, reconstruct neutral pions e+ pion gammas TT - ECFA-Valencia Nov-2006
Tungsten plate Taegu Tech in Korea Super strong Tungsten W(88%)+Co(12%)+C(0.5%) Absorber TT - ECFA-Valencia Nov cm x 10cm x 3.5mm 128plates thickness = mm density =14.5g/cm Moliere R =10.1mm 3 + _
Linearity of ECAL MPPC is a photon counting device Dynamic range is limited by # of pixels 74 MIPs ~ 1554 pixels MPPC-400pix TT - ECFA-Valencia Nov-2006
How to reduce # of photons modify reflector sheet TT - ECFA-Valencia Nov x45x3mm 3 (V) (p.e.)