MLA 8 th Edition in
Key Changes No more medium of publication (Web, Print, DVD) Abbreviations No more n.d., n.p., and n. pag. abbreviations Trans., perf., and dir. abbreviations are now written as “translated by,” “performances by,” and “directed by.” Ed. is no longer “edited by” but always “edition.” P only stands for Press when a University Press (e.g. U of Michigan P but not Greenview Press). Block quotations are now indented 0.5″ instead of 1″ Discontinued
Key Changes Et al. begins at three authors instead of four. URLs are back. Vol. and no. designations are back for periodicals (no more 23.4, but rather vol. 23, no. 4). Time and time ranges required for audio and video (00:03:16-19) One citation model (Book with corporate author, journal paginated by year) The concept of containers New
New Works Cited entries Template Burgess, Anthony. “Politics in the Novels of Graham Greene.” Journal of Contemporary History, vol.2, no. 2, Apr. 1967, pp JSTOR,