Speech Requirements Helix Charter High School Class of 2008
Basics You are to give an 8-10 minute speech covering your paper, project and what you learned.
What should be in my speech? See page of the Senior Project Manual. Review the handout delivered in advisory last week. Check out the following site: –
What to COVER in my speech? Include: –An interesting attention getter –Discuss your paper –Explain the link between your paper and project –Discuss your project in detail –Explain what you learned during the Senior Project There is a sample speech available for viewing on the Sr. Project Webpage.
How is my speech graded? See page 50 of SPM
What if? I haven’t passed my paper or project yet? You will be required to attend Summer School and you will not participate in graduation.
Visual Contents You must have an integrated visual in your speech! You may use PowerPoints, poster board, artifacts from your project, video or other visual items.
PowerPoints –Cover points of your speech, don’t write out your speech. –Do not read your slides, make bullets and expand on them. –Spell check and edit. –Incorporate pictures that you can detail throughout your project discussion. –Burn it onto a disk, it to yourself, have it in your storage…have the slides accessible in several forms.
Poster Boards –Cover points of your speech. –Make sure items on the board are legible. –Spell check and edit. –Suggest including a section for the: Paper (small panel) Project (middle panel, with visuals) Learning/Etc. (small panel)
Artifacts –Set them up prior to your speech, preferably off to the side of you. –Don’t stare at or talk to them during your speech. –Incorporate them during your speech when discussing your project.
Video –No more than a minute. –Set up the clip, explain what is going on in the video prior to the taping –If the volume is not usable, explain the clip as it is played--dead silence during video is awkward.
What to do before Boards? Practice. Practice with visuals. Practice with Notecards. Make sure you know where your presentation room is located.
What to do the day of Boards? Practice. Dress your best…for a formal job interview! Get here early. Bring water. Relax.
What to do during Boards? Sit patiently and wait your turn. Relax. During the question and answer period… –Listen to the question carefully. –Restate the question if you need time. –Answer to the best of your ability. –If needed, have the judge repeat the question. Wait to be excused.
Portfolio Collection All portfolios will be collected on Friday May 19. Bring your portfolio on Friday May 19. Your portfolio will be collected in Poli Sci/Econ or Senior English classes on Friday May 19. Don’t have those classes--then bring it to room 1610 on Friday May 19.
FYI: Photo/Video Documentation If you need anything from your portfolio, take it out before you submit it on Friday May 19.
Help Me! Ms. Christian