Last time we were here The Commission heard stories of harassment and intimidation and voted to do something. For the director to write a letter of concern to all relevant parties about what you had heard. We believe it never happened. Could we get a copy of that letter or the name of anybody who was sent one?
We spoke of this sort of thing Just 2 guys can clear a beach
Or just one person with a bullhorn Listen, she says the legal distance is 300 feet, on a 200 foot beach
The police told us, sorry, a death threat is not a crime. “gonna get my guns”
Seals are very smart They don’t waste energy fleeing from things that never hurt them They are curious and friendly in the water. On land they want about 15’ comfort zone They are unassuming and willing to share the beach – unlike some folks who want the beach unshared; no people.
The trouble with a rope is People forget their natural tendency to stay back from animals They say “Hey, I am behind the rope” “I must be ok” It will be just one more problem for the ranger when the winter seal population explosion happens. He is committed to telling the public the rope is advisory and the beach is open
For instance