Unit 2, Lesson 5
Write about a time when you conquered a fear.
SWBAT identify the push and pull factors of European colonialism in North America.
You are going to have to take HUGE steps out of your comfort zone, and the only way this will work is if you are being Risk Takers. Today we are going to attack our fear of being in front of the class!
Colonialism is the exploitation by a stronger country of a weaker one. The weaker country’s resources strengthen and enrich the strong country.
What vocabulary words have we learned that have to do with our lesson from today?
Who was emigrating?
Create a skit! Your skit needs to be about the information on your paper for your group Your classmates should understand the information from your skit EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE – but not everyone must speak
When you watch the skit, write down important information! Important information includes: Are people being forced or not? Why are they moving? Important information does NOT include: “Lela fell on her face.” “Nate can’t talk right.”
Write a one-sentence summary of each reason why Europeans colonized North America, based on the information from each skit.
How would you describe the reasons for colonization in one sentence?
Which of the reasons are push factors are which are pull factors?
Silent classroom
Do you think colonialism is mostly positive or mostly negative?