Parameter:Value: EnduranceUp to 4 hrs Flight speed65 ÷ 120 km/hr Type of engineElectric Engine layoutPull type Radio communication rangeAt least 50 km Video communication rangeUp to 70 km Navigation systemGPS/GLONASS and inertial autonavigator Maximum flying distanceAt least 240 km Takeoff weight9,5 - 11,5 kg Payload2,5 kg Wingspan3,2 m Operating altitude from the ground surface150 ÷ 1000 m Maximum flying height from the ground surfaceUp to 3600 m Flight modeautomatic / semi automatic System deployment time15 min Takeoff / Landingcatapult / parachute Operational conditions: Maximum wind at take of placeUp to 10 m/s Ambient air temperature–30°C+40°C Weather elementsModerate rain and snow TECHNICAL PARAMETERS AND FLIGHT BEHAVIOUR
Camera: Sony α 6000; A full-size CMOS sensor 24MPix; Interchangeable lenses kit; Videocamera: Sony HD-videocamera 1080 × 1020 pix; Focal distance mm; 1-10 times optical zoom; Thermal camera (Infrared Videocamera): Thermal sensor ULIS PICO 640; Spectral range 7.5 – 13.5 micrones; Resolving capacity - 640×512 pix; Thermal sensitivity (NEDT) 60 mc. UAS USEFUL LOADS
Resoving capacity for aerial shots up to 3.0 cm/pixel; Each shot is accompanied by a telemetry data: the coordinates of the center point, height and angle shooting, heading, bias, speed, and pitching motion; HD-quality video shooting in the visible range: corridor width shooting m in the range of operating altitudes; video signal transmission in HD quality in real-time mode; Thermal shooting with the ability of combining with aerial shooting: corridor width shooting m the range of operating altitudes; Ability to install useful loads into gyrostabilised in 2-D and 3-D platform planes; Ability to install useful loads of different types: Night camera; Multispectral camera; Gamma radiation dosimeter; Automatic object tracking system. UAS TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES
Ability to perform flights at night; Ability to start with a small unimproved platforms, including mountain and foothill areas; Ability to fully automatic start, flight and landing; In case of loosing communication, the automatic return system ensures return of UAS to the starting point; Using multiple mapping services for planning and performing aviation operations; Ground support to large-scale aerial shooting is carried out by land GNSS survey-grade accuracy complex. UAS TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES
Aerial photography geodetic work: Aerophotosurveying shooting within a scale from 1: to 1: Optionally, when using a dual frequency GPS receiver, shooting is held at a scale up 1: 500; Creating high resolution orthophotomaps at a scale from 1: to 1: Optionally, when using a dual frequency GPS receiver, up to 1: 500; Digital aerial photography and video shooting of area and linear objects are taken in the visible and infrared ranges; Land and cadastral work to determine land plots borders. Creating digital terrain models (DTM) and digital relief models (DRM); Creating digital vector maps, inventory and mapping of the production facilities; Ground support to large-scale aerial photography is provided by land GNSS survey-grade accuracy complex UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION
Road construction site Flight altitude m
UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION 1000 м Flight altitude 1000 m EXAMPLE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDES (GASOLINE STATION) Flight altitude 1200 m Flight altitude 1500 mFlight altitude 2000 m
Construction and operation of industrial and civil facilities, traffic infrastructure: Carrying out of aerial photography in order to design new facilities and develop construction and repair work projects; Monitoring of construction and repair work implementation at various sites and stages. Assessment of work implementation rate and observance of work methods; Comparison of the same facility images made at different times in order to control current changes and work quality; Monitoring of the roadbeds technical state, detection of road pavement defects; Monitoring of industrial and civil facilities technical state; Monitoring of the road right-of-way condition and condition of protective forest belts along the roads (overgrowing of road and roadside); On-line monitoring of traffic; UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION
Monitoring of construction site UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION Monitoring of water supply channel area
Monitoring and environmental protection: Monitoring and assessment of green areas and forest belts status; Control of waste disposal and identification of unauthorized dumps; Identification of visible oil spills and other pollution on the Earth's surface; Identification of disturbed land; Monitoring the status of water bodies and water protection zones; Monitoring and control of land resources. UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION
Monitoring and prevention of emergency situations: Monitoring of hardly accessible highlands; Monitoring and assessment of slopes conditions and landslide processes; Monitoring of mudflow generation and avalanche –prone processes; Special shooting for modeling and forecasting of mudflows occurrence and distribution. Searching and detection of missing persons. Air support of searching and rescue operations ; Detection of fire hazard, informational support of fire-fighting services; Monitoring of ice conditions in water bodies. UAS SCOPE OF APPLICATION
Complexity and universality of aerial work implementation in various branches of economic activity; High safety of flight operations; Certified flight personnel; High mobility of the UAS and its pilot team; Efficiency of works and getting results; Large radius and duration of a single flight; Ability to shoot in hard-to-reach places and places of man-made accidents; Fully automatic start, flight and landing are possible; Round-the-clock operation in a wide range of weather and nature conditions is possible; High economic efficiency of the UAS if compared with traditional methods of aerial photography; Ground based provision of precise GNSS surveying software complexes; Environmental safety (no emissions, noiselessness). Advantages of KAPE LLC UAS
Head office in Almaty , Almaty, Amangeldy st., 70A Tel.: 8 (727) , 8 (727) (727) , 8 (727) Fax: 8 (727)