IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Create a word problem using the Tellagami App Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions Tellagami App Blackboard IPads Create problems using QR codes Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions IPads QR app Quiz on finding “Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions” using Google Docs Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions Google Docs Use PowerPoint to teach the definition of “Real Zeros” Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions Blackboard PowerPoint Louisiana Math Standard (include description):N-Q.1, A-APR.3, A-REI.10, A-REI.11, F-IF.4, F-IF.7.c, F-BF.1.a, F-FB.3, G-SRT.2, G-SRT.5, G-GMD.2, G-MG.1. Analyzing graphs, graphing functions, finding real zeros (x-intercepts) of polynomial functions. Teacher: Belinda Coleman MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions 1. Create a PowerPoint on Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. 2. Include the definition, graphs showing the real zeros of a polynomial, and examples on how to find the real zeros algebraically. 3. Save your PowerPoint and upload it to Blackboard. Use PowerPoint to teach the definition of “Real Zeros” This task uses: Blackboard PowerPoint Learning Objective(s): Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions 1.Take the following quiz on “QUIZ: Finding Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions” using the following link aXRSgTRWIpj_BuGCxQ1O4/edit 2. After all students have taken the quiz, we will look at the results. 3. Each student will pair up with another student. Each student will choose two problems that they got wrong. The problems will be re-worked and discussed with partner. Quiz on finding “Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions” using Google Docs This task uses: Google Docs Learning Objective(s): Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions 1.Each student will create one problem involving finding real zeros of polynomial functions. 2.The student will create a QR code for the problem using an IPad. 3.The students will work the problems of the other students using the Ipads. 4.Each student will present their problem and the students will check their answers. Create problems using QR codes This task uses: IPads QR app Learning Objective(s): Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
Tellagami 1.Examine the examples we have studied in our lessons so far. 2.Create a problem that involves finding the real zeros of a polynomial function. 3.Use the iPads and the Tellagami app to create an animation of your word problem and its solution. 4.Save the completed animation in the cameral roll. 5.Log into Blackboard and create a thread under Activity 1 with your name as the subject. 6.Attach your video to the thread. 7.View at least two other animations and comment of a minimum of two. Create a word problem using the Tellagami App This task uses: Tellagami App Blackboard IPads Learning Objective(s): Analyzing Graphs of Functions Finding Real Zeros of Functions R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.