Latin Alphabet and Pronunciation
Alphabet (see page xxiv.)
Vowels LONNNNG Vowels short vowels ā“ah” like father-a“a” like alike ē“eh” or “ay” like“egg”-e“eh” like pet ī“ee” like “seen”-i“ih” like it ō“oh” stove-o “o” like often ū“oo or uuu” as in moon-u“u” like put
Dipthongs Dipthongs are two VOWELS combined in one syllable (sound) and pronounced together as one sound ae“eye” au“ow” ei“ehy” eu“eoo” oe“oi” like “oil” ui“we”
Consonants (see page xxvi) c – “ka” hard sound b – “buh” when followed by a “s” for instance urbs -> pronounced “urps” g – “guh” k – “ka” very rare will only see in Kalendae the very first of the month q- “queh” like queen v- “w” “veni, vidi, vici” r – trilled slightly
Consonants (cont) x – double consonant (ks or gs) like six z – double consonant (dz) like “dzebra” ph – “pfuh” th – “tuh” ch – “khuh”
Accent VOCABULARY TO KNOW ultima – the last syllable in a word penult – the second-to-last syllable in a word antepenult – the third-to-last penult
Listen and Read along Senca Ecce undique clamor sonat! Suprā ipsum balneum habito! Propone nunc tibi omnia genera vocum odiosa! Fortiores exercentur et manus pumbo graves iactant, cum aut laborant aut laborantem imitantur. Gemitus audio, quotiens spiritum remiserunt. Sunt quoque unctores et tractatores. Audio crepitum manuum umeros ferientium: sonus quoque ictuum mutatur: nunc enim manus pervenit plana, nun concave. Audio clamores, si fur est in balneo deprehensus.