After Caesar: Octavian and the Second Triumvirate After Julius Caesar’s death, the Empire will have to be taken over by someone, and what we see is that the fear of an all-powerful dictator will not go away and is the new way of Rome… Hail Caesar!
Caesar’s Death = Instant Conflict Once Caesar was killed on the steps of the Roman Senate there was a uproar by the people of Rome! Extremely Angry! Senators told the people they had done it for them, Caesar would have been a king, and they should have a new leader, but one elected and wanted a return to a Republic (where they were in power again.) There came to be two sides: The Republicans (Lead by Brutus and Cassius) and the Caesareans ( Led by those loyal to Caesar who want one man rule) To make things worse, Caesar’s will showed he adopted his grandnephew as his heir, a young man named Octavian. The Caesareans are led by Mark Anthony, one of Caesar’s real friends, and an ally named Lepidus.
A Civil War Begins After Caesar’s death the Civil War starts up again. This time it is the Republicans (Senate) vs Caesareans (People and Army) The Republicans are quickly taken out of power and a new Triumvirate comes into power. Because he is Caesar’s heir, Octavian is included even though he is young and not too experienced (Only 19 yrs old). 2 nd Triumvirate is Octavian, Mark Anthony, and Lepidus. Lepidus and Anthony were Caesar’s top lieutenants. At the start of the 2 nd Triumvirate things were going well, but this wouldn’t last long. After awhile Octavian pressured Lepidus to retire. Many think Octavian threatened Lepidus into leaving the 2 nd Triumvirate.
Second Triumvirate
Splitting the Empire: Octavian vs. Anthony Once Lepidus retired, it was just Anthony and Octavian. They decide to divide the Empire, Anthony gets the West, Octavian gets the East. Anthony visits Egypt and meets with Cleopatra, they begin an affair and a plot to overthrow Octavian and take over the Empire, together. Egypt and Rome vs Octavian…
A Republic Becomes an Empire Octavian accuses Antony of plotting to rule Rome from Egypt with Cleopatra’s help. (He called it!) Finds out their plans. Octavian defeats Antony & Cleopatra’s forces at naval battle of Actium and sets sail for Egypt to find Antony & Cleopatra. Mark Antony and Cleopatra both commit suicide before Octavian arrives; leaving Octavian sole leader of Roman Empire. He is now 32 yrs old. Octavian takes name Augustus meaning “exalted one” and rules as “Caesar” of Rome, just like Julius Caesar did.
Rise of the Emperors of Rome Under Augustus, Rome was ruled as an empire; the Senate still met but the emperor had all the real power. Augustus went on to stomp out any challenges against him and establish governors in each area of the Empire. All governors were selected by him and loyal to the Emperor. Octavian (now Augustus Caesar) would start a line of Emperors who would be descended by family line or selected by adoption, so now the Emperors are kind of a monarchy as well… Some of these Emperors who followed Augustus Caesar were good and some were not so good, lets take a look:
Not all Emperors were good… Augustus marries and names his step-son his heir. Augustus is poisoned by his own wife so her son Tiberius can be Emperor. Tiberius is so horrible to the people of Rome his own guards smother him with a pillow to change rulers. Tiberius’ son was Caligula, one of Rome’s worse Emperors. Seen as brutal, violent, and insane. Killed anyone, anytime. Did anything he wanted, killed by his own soldiers. His descendent later was Nero, a murderer and mentally deranged. Ordered his own mother killed, known for playing the lyre (harp) as the city of Rome burned, a fire he may have set himself. Roman Senate sentenced him to be whipped to death, killed himself instead before capture.
Emperors of Rome:
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