On a scrap sheet of paper: What does M.A.I.N. stand for? Which two countries are members of the Central Powers? Which three countries are members of the Triple Entente or “Allies”?
Take out your already labeled “Europe in 1914” map and open your textbook to page 385. Get three colors from the box in the front of the room. Color in the countries that became the Allies, Central Powers, and Neutral Nations. Put a key somewhere on your map.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary decided to visit Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosnia was under the rule of Austria-Hungary at the time. ▪ Bosnia had very strong nationalist feelings Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne. On June 28, 1914 Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie drove through Sarajevo. The archduke and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip.
On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia, Bosnia’s ally. Germany, bound by their alliance, sought to help Austria-Hungary. Serbia asked Russia, their Slavic allies, for help. Russia began to mobilize, or prepare its military forces for war. Germany declared war on Russia. Russia appealed to its ally, France. Germany then declared war on France.
Italy and Britain tried to remain neutral in the war. General Alfred von Schlieffen of Germany developed a plan to avoid a two-front war. The Schlieffen Plan was to defeat France before fighting Russia. On August 3 rd, Germany invaded Belgium to get to France. Outraged, Britain declared war on Germany.
Germany had to split forces to fight Russia on the east. In September 1914, British troops joined the French to fight the German offensive at the Marne river. The war quickly turned into a stalemate A stalemate is a deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the others. Both the Allies and Central powers launched offensives to break the stalemate. There was a German offensive at Verdun that lasted 11 months An Allied offensive was launched at the Somme, which lasted five months.
In August 1914, Russian armies pushed into eastern Germany. At the Battle of Tannenberg, the Russians suffered one of the worst defeats of the war, causing them to retreat. ▪ After the Battle of Tannenberg, armies in the east fought on Russian soil. In 1915, Bulgaria joined the Central Powers and helped crush its old Balkan rival Serbia That same year, Italy declared war on Austria- Hungary, and later, on Germany. In October 1917, the Austrians and Germans launched a major offensive against the Italian position at Caporetto. The Italians retreated in disarray
Japan allied with Britain and seized German outposts in China and islands in the Pacific The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in 1914 They closed off the Dardanelles, a vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean In 1915, the Allies sent a massive force of troops to open up the strait At the battle of Gallipoli, Turkish troops tied down the trapped Allies on the beaches. In January 1916, the Allies withdrew from the Dardanelles European colonies tried to aid in the battles Some colonial troops volunteered with the hopes of attaining citizenship and independence.