Tryouts 2 days in length 1 st day consists of one 18-hole round of golf 2 nd day consists of one 9-hole round of golf Held at Silver Lakes Country Club in Orland Park
Fees Fees include: $50 trainers fee, hardly used for golfers though $25 greens fee
Practices Held at Water’s Edge Golf Club in Worth, IL Located just 3 minutes from the High School Practice putting and chipping on the putting green Hit a bucket of balls on the driving range Held from 3:30-5
Coaches Head Coach- Pastor Chip Dykema- 4 years Assistant Coach- Kevin Fopma-1 st year, the “Rook”
Attire To all matches and tournaments: Team golf shirt and a golf hat Golf pants/shorts or khakis depending on weather To all practices: Whatever you wore to school
Equipment Included items upon making the team: A Golf Bag-give back at end of season Chicago Christian golf balls and tees A team golf shirt/ uniform
So come and tryout for Golf next year, it’s a blast!