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The U.S. accounts for 10 percent of the world’s exports, and has a wide range of products that it produces. The U.S. has a mixed market economy, which allows for individuals to make economic decisions with some government regulation.
The U.S. not only produces enough food to feed itself, it also helps feed the world. 40 percent of the world’s corn is grown in the U.S. Crop farming in the Midwest, cattle ranching in the West, combined with technology and fertile soil, make agriculture very profitable.
Industry and manufacturing are also tops in the world, especially in technical industries. The industrial centers of the U.S. were located along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and around the Great Lakes.
The U.S. has changed its focus, moving from a manufacturing focus to more of a service oriented economy. Service industries are finance, medicine, information processing, transportation, and education.
The U.S. leads in trade, importing and exporting raw materials and finished goods. There are several U.S. companies that have spread their brand internationally, and those companies are called multinational corporations.
Since the nation is built on immigration, there are many cultures and traditions that mix. About 65% of the country is white, 17% Hispanic, 13% African American, 5% Asian. English is the most spoken language, with Spanish second most.
Religious freedom has been a cornerstone of America since its foundation. Even though there is a majority of people who practice Christianity, there are over 1000 different religious groups in the country. There is a rich artistic history in the U.S. Starting with Native American pottery, weaving and carving all the way to movies and music today, artistic expression is very diverse.
There are almost 350 million people living in the U.S. today. The people here enjoy a high standard of living compared to a majority of the world. About 80% of the population live in cities or suburbs. This shift from rural to urban living was accelerated by the automobile. There is almost 1 car per person in the U.S.
About 50% of the adults who are able to work have a job. About half of those are women. Most of the jobs are in the service area, and many are highly skilled positions. 86% of adults have graduated from high school, and higher education is available to everyone.
There are many leisure activities that Americans enjoy, and there are professional sports teams in most major cities. There are problems as well. Nearly 10% of the population are poor and need government assistance to survive. This is a continuing challenge for the country.
List out your ethnic background, and list your hobbies and leisure activities that you participate in. Share your list with someone near you and record their list.