Service Category Roadmap Process and Template July 21, 2016
Background 2 As the role of technology expands at the University, there is an increasing need for strategic plans, related to service delivery, that extend beyond the current fiscal year Strategic roadmaps have been used in programs and some service areas successfully, helping focus on key priorities and communicate vision and strategy to stakeholders This summer, we will be supporting service categories in developing multi-year strategies and roadmaps Each roadmap will articulate the vision, strategic priorities over the next three years and associated activities
Why Do Strategic Roadmaps? Help us to “lift our gaze” beyond current activities and ensure we have a coherent bigger pictures Help our staff understand where their daily work fits into the overall strategic vision and goals of HUIT and the service areas Provide a clear way to communicate where we are going to key stakeholders across the University and tie specific activities to broader goals Avoid duplication of efforts in the coming year 3 Short Term Goals Longer Term Value Proactively identify points of synergy and overlap across HUIT and highlight areas where collaboration and coordination will be required Support more effective resource planning Ensure ongoing alignment of HUIT efforts to functional roadmaps and CIO Strategic Plan
Timeline 4 JulyAugustSeptember 7/26-8/31 Service Categories Develop Roadmaps* 7/21 SLT Reviews Roadmap Project and Template 7/26 Acct & Svc Mgmt. share final template 9/15 Account Management shares summary of roadmaps with SLT UCIO SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM SERVICE CATEGORY AND SERVICE OWNERS ACCOUNT AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT TEAM 7/26-8/31 As needed, support service category owners 9/1-9/15 Summarize roadmaps and learnings 9/16-9/30 Propose roadmap process for FY18 * Account Management/Catie available to support roadmap development, including roadmap development sessions with key team members Fall: Discussion of roadmaps at Monthly Service Owner Forum
Timing of Roadmap Development 5 Acknowledging the timing of this project overlaps with fall start-up and vacations, we are hoping to time the roadmap development with the goal setting process and the roll out of HUIT 3.0 Account management will drive the process for roadmap development by setting up and facilitating two meetings, unless roadmap leads want to manage independently: Pre-Meeting To Do: Participant Identification By EOD, respond to Catie’s to designate participants for roadmap development meetings Meeting 1: Strategic Priorities Facilitated workshop, to be scheduled between 7/22 and 8/9, to determine strategic priorities and align planned activities/goals to those priorities Meeting 2: Roadmap Revision Review of roadmap to revise and make changes as needed, to be scheduled in August
FY2017 Strategic Roadmaps 6 Service Categories Service CategoryHUIT GroupsRoadmap Leads Teaching and LearningAcTSAlan Library Technology ServicesLTSTracey Administrative SystemsATSJason and Steve End User ComputingO365, Support ServicesCharles, Mike Katie IT SecurityInformation SecurityChristian IT Provider ServicesInfrastructureJefferson Data Management Mitch Other Roadmap Groups: ITSM – Maria Curcio PMO - Ellen VMO - Ellen Account Management - Catie
7 What is your vision for your service category? What are you trying to accomplish and how does it relate to HUIT and the University’s mission? Service Category Vision Statement Strategic Priorities Context and Environment What is changing about the environment in which we operate? Description of Strategic Priority 1 Description of Strategic Priority 2 Description of Strategic Priority 3 Description of Strategic Priority 4
8 Through a strong but limited Account Management function, HUIT will extend the breadth and depth of strategic relationships and facilitate improved support in response to evolving IT needs of Harvard’s Schools and Central Administration. Account Management Vision Statement Strategic Priorities Context and Environment Increasing shared services across the University; New, easily accessible technologies for faculty, students and staff; A growing need for technology to support teaching, learning and research Account Management Function Establish a HUIT-wide account management function, clarifying role, responsibilities, processes and account management best practices Trusted Advisor Deepen HUIT’s strategic partnership with major accounts across the University, ensuring HUIT understands business needs and priorities of partners and can support in IT strategic planning as well as delivery Coordinated Service Delivery Enhance coordination across HUIT services and strategic programs to ensure we operate with the account priorities and business impact in mind Support HUIT Service Management and Communication Evolution Partner with ITSM, Finance and other HUIT groups to continue to enhance our tools, processes and best practices around service delivery and communication
9 To enable everyone at Harvard to be a good steward of the institution's information Information Security Vision Statement Strategic Priorities Context and Environment An ongoing increase in the volume and sophistication if cyber attacks; an increase in the internal and external requirements and expectations for cyber security; a transformative shift in how IT services are being deployed and delivered (IaaS, SaaS) Foundation Clearly define risk governance and acceptance process; Establish consistent efforts across schools Aware We know what our critical assets (servers, devices, paper) are and where they reside, including 3 rd parties; We have sufficient insight into activity to enable detection of compromise while maintaining appropriate privacy controls Protected Those with some responsibility for protecting critical assets (as administrators, users, etc.) are aware of their role as stewards; Stewards protect critical assets – they know what to do and have tools and skills to do it; We limit access to critical assets We reduce the footprint of critical assets where possible, keeping only what we really need Ready Stewards recognize potential breaches and know how to handle them; Responders are prepared to handle an incident in a consistent and coordinated fashion
10 HUIT becomes a fully service-based (vs. technology-based) culture of best practice; it delivers effective services that meet, respond to, and anticipate the changing needs of the university. It facilitates the adoption of consistent service management across the university. IT Service Management Vision Statement Strategic Priorities Context and Environment Increasing shared services across the University and ServiceNow user base (all schools but 3); changing services, technology, and infrastructure (e.g., Cloud/DevOps); strong interest in self-service delivery; high demand for additional service management processes and support User Experience Optimize the service experience for both users and customers. Service Management Practice Mature HUIT service ownership and management through key ITIL processes. Evolution of IT Services and Delivery Adapt ITSM for changing services, contexts, user bases, and approaches; facilitate service management for non-IT groups. Service Now and Other Tools Provide, enhance, and integrate tools for service management, delivery, and support. Service Management Culture Develop common language (ITIL), standards, best practices, and community.