BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 1 BGV cooling : status and plans reporting on behalf of EN-CV (Sylvain Nichilo & Olivier Crespo-Lopez)
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 2Introduction Reminder: Valdir found that permeation of C6F14 through silicone invalidated this type of tubing –losses too large, too costly –Transfer lines: 14 g/hour Manifold lines: 9 g/hour0.7 kg/day !! Distributor lines: 6 g/hour Decision: change to metal tubing, stainless steel and copper EN-CV offers help (best effort basis) BGV cooling will not be available before TS1 for sure, perhaps not even before TS2.
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 3 New circuit (draft sketch, Sylvain Nichilo EN-CV) final sketch to come
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 4 Status: transfer line silicone replaced by SS, re-used the insulation 10% of welds checked: OK. pressure tested 16 bar OK, see cleaned with demin water insulation completed then, under vacuum for many days (still now)
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 5 Status: manifold Removed to lab (bldg 298, EN-CV) Added metal (Cu ?) tubing to outside of box Found substantial leak on several connections inside manifold –see movie on indico agenda page (this meeting) –use of Teflon in the threads ? –replace all teflon with adequate glue (have to remove all insulation) –EN-CV will require help (outsourcing) for redoing all insulation Introduced a T with valve for evacuating air with a pump when we want to force filling the tubing with liquid. Next: –pressure test, –re-do insulation, EN-CV: requests help for this task (outsourcing?) –re-install in TS1, EN-CV: help welcome!
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 6 Status: manifold
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 7 Status: distributors Manifold-distributor lines –Removed all silicone tubing –EN-CV preparing in the lab (298) the metal tubing (Cu, 10/12mm), with insulation, in two «bundles» of 4 tubes –Re-using insulation, if possible Distributors: –removed and to be re-used, –prepare in insulated boxes with outlet/inlets (swagelock SS)
BGV 23-feb-2016CERNMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi 8 Status: detector tubing Replace silicone with soft 4/6mm Cu lines Connections to SiPM SS 3/4mm tubes: –Must validate if we can use all-metal (swagelock), with 30cm flexible SS tubes between module pipe and 4/6mm copper lines. (cost ~10kCHF?) –preliminary tests: 9 connectors on 3/4mm SS tested at 10 bar, no leak –fallback: 10cm piece of silicone between module pipe and copper line expected C6F14 losses by permeation for 32 x 10 cm: 10 g/day. Routing of copper lines will be tough –Tent to be un-installed, re-installed during TS (BE-BI) –10/12mm new tubing will enter behind the tent, lowest possible. –New support to be installed on top of the structure (BE-BI) –Modification of the tent after cooling pipe installation (BE-BI) as needed –Routing to be defined in situ with BGV aim: same total length in+out for each SiPM tube from same distributor –start in TS1, try to finish in TS1, and if needed finish in TS2 –In any case, help welcome! (because TS is only 3-4 days effectively)