Skin Cancer Assessment And Treatment Centre Our Specialist Dermatologists in Melbourne are experts in the diagnosis of Different Skin Cancers. Over 20 years’ experience Referrals not essential
Skin cancer information The Following may be Signs of underlying Skin Cancer Spots that are constantly inflamed, irritable bleeding or tender on pressure Black or brown spots that have become increasingly prominent, spread out irregularly or look strange If any of the above mentioned symptoms occur we recommend a medical examination by a suitably qualified specialist who will be able to determine or confirm the diagnosis. (Please note that all spots showing these symptoms are not necessarily skin cancers, that being said, it is better to be certain)Call us in Melbourne today: (03) (03)
Skin cancer types: Basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma. Melanoma. Solar keratoses (sun spots). Moles.
Treatment Do you need a professional skin cancer check in Melbourne? The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre recommend that a skin cancer check is essential. We believe that prevention is the best medicine. There are a number of ways to treat skin cancer. Our specialist dermatologists in Melbourne are experts in the diagnosis of different skin cancers, and which of the latest treatments to recommend if necessary.
Our Treatment types: Surgical treatment Surgical treatment is performed under a local anaesthetic, delivered by an injection into the skin. Removal of the affected area can be performed via a number of procedures.:
Medical treatments Creams are available for treatment of sun spots and some skin cancers in their early stages. This can sometimes help avoid surgical removal. Other conditions Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre also treats a number of other skin conditions.
SKIN SPECIALIST – DERMATOLOGIST Mole Checking Clinic The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre is a medical clinic specialising in the skin. If you are concerned about a mole, we offer a wide range of services to identify and treat the condition. Make an appointment with our dermatologist for: Skin Cancer Screening Visual Mole Screening Skin Cancer and Mole Removal Dermatology Consultations We have more than 20 years of experience, treating patients throughout the Melbourne area. REFERRALS ARE NOT ESSENTIAL. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!
Contact Call us for an appointment (03) (03) Contact info Skin Cancer Assessment And Treatment Centre 437 Riversdale Rd Hawthorn East VIC