DAE-Fermilab Collaboration on Instrumentation and Control Gopal Joshi Electronics Division, BARC Visits - Gopal Joshi to Fermilab Manfred Wendt, Peter.


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Presentation transcript:

DAE-Fermilab Collaboration on Instrumentation and Control Gopal Joshi Electronics Division, BARC Visits - Gopal Joshi to Fermilab Manfred Wendt, Peter Prieto to BARC, and Follow-up

IIFC: Areas of C&I Collaboration Beam Position Monitor (BPM) C&I for CMTS RF Power Protection Interlock System LLRF Cryogenic Temperature Monitoring System Software for the integrated operation of the CMTF from the control room Gopal Joshi’s visit from 18 th October to 29 th November 2011 – overall exposure to the C&I systems involved, focus on two key systems, which are to be taken up in the first phase of development- -RF Protection Interlock System, and -Low Level RF System

RF Protection Interlock Opens the switch between the LLRF and the High Power RF amplifier under fault conditions VME Based system – consists of a number of mixed signal boards: – Field Emission Probe (FEP) – PMT – Forward and Reverse Power (Multi-Trip) – Digitiser – Contacts and TTL – System Control Board (RF Leakage)

Fast Signal Conditioning GUN VOLTAGE GaAs Switch RF_INH KLYSTRON Reset VideoPLS Reset VideoPLS Reset VideoPLS Reset VideoPLS RF_INH MODINH RF_INH MODINH RF_INH MODINH AMP System Control FWR/REFL PMT FEP From LLRF MOD_EN RF Protection Interlock – System Architecture Contacts & TTL High Power RF System Interlock Signals

RF Protection Interlock Typical architecture of a board Two Sections: Analog- signal conditioning, comparison with settable (both manual and computer controlled) limits Check for cable connection, … Digital- Logic for generating the interlock, Limit, Interface to VME Bus, …

FEP Board (Fermilab)

RF Interlock System – boards in a VME bin at NML, Fermilab System Control Board Multi- Trip PMT

RF Protection Interlock During Gopal Joshi’s visit to FNAL - Technical Discussions with Peter Prieto - especially on the analog design part and the up- gradations that could be carried out in the next version of boards to be developed at BARC Visits to NML – Peter Prieto Received Documentation –Schematics, PCB files & Peter’s notes Decision to send one set of boards to BARC Work plan proposed by FNAL

After the visit At BARC - Study of the existing system We are setting –up VME crate and controller so that when we receive the boards we could operate them Manfred Wendt and Peter Prieto’s visit to BARC, April In depth discussions on all technical aspects of the existing system Sensor Characteristics, Design of the circuit boards, Overall System Existing implementation much better understood The next generation of the system to be developed at BARC discussed in detail Inclusion of the Digitiser on the cards – ADC, memory, FPGA to be selected Analog Front-end on a PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card) for FEP, PMT and Multi-trip. - common Digital Board RF Protection Interlock

next generation of the system … contd. The feasibility of increasing the number of inputs in Multi-trip board and Contact – TTL inputs One board to serve as either the Contact-TTL or System controller board depending on the components wired on it. VME or VXS standard- VME be retained - smoothly migrate to VXS in future The possibility of integrating the signal-conditioning of slow varying inputs. such as, RTD, IR, vacuum etc. was discussed Reduction of back panel cabling

Paresh’s visit – May, June 2012 System Requirement Specifications to be prepared: A preliminary document will be prepared and sent to Fermilab. This will be finalised during Paresh’s visit FPGA programming through the VME interface, VME interface code development -supporting A32, D32, interrupt, DMA, block transfer, Multi read, Multi write – to be taken up during the visit RF Protection Interlock

LLRF Sets up and stabilises the RF Field in the cavities also performs the functions of testing, conditioning and tuning of the RF Power System and Cavity The present system at NML consists of two main boards: Source: LLRF11 P.Varghese #, B. Chase, B. Barnes, E. Cullerton, V. Tupikov Control System Schematic

Eight Channel Receiver/Transmitter Eight Down-converter channels LO-Distribution - one to eight One Channel - Up-converter Multi-cavity Field Control (MFC) Module 3212-bit, 65 MS/s ADC 114-bit, 105 MS/s ADC 414- bit, 260 MS/s DAC Cyclone II FPGA, 400 MHz 400 MHz, 32-bit floating point DSP Memory, Clock distribution, High speed serial ports, etc. Boards of the LLRF System at Fermilab

LLRF Installation at NML 3 MFCs Master Oscillator RF Monitors 8 Channel Receivers MFC and Receiver Modules in their respective chasis

LLRF During Gopal Joshi’s visit AT FNAL - – Technical Discussions with Brian Chase, Philip Varghese, ED Cullerton on the existing LLRF boards and control algorithms, including the up-gradations that could be carried out in the next version of boards to be developed at BARC. – Visits to NML- cavity testing with peizo-tuner – Participation in receiver testing – Dan Klepec – Received Documentation -schematics, layout files of both the boards, number of papers, technical notes etc. – Explore the possibility to send one set of VXI crate and cards to BARC – Work plan proposed by FNAL After the visit At BARC - – We are studying the existing system - already good progress – We are setting–up VXS crate and controller Development kit for SHARC DSP (ADSP-21369) procured for the development of DSP algorithms – P.D. Motiwala will participate in joint preparation of the System Requirement Document

In summary – the work has started at ground level we have well defined plans for future Thank you

Instrumentation for Cryomodule Test Stand – RF Protection Interlock System – Low Level RF – Cryogenic System Temperature Pressure Level – Cavity Tuning Blade Tuner - Stepper Motor Piezo Tuner – micro-phonics – Coupler Motor – Geo-phone – Wire Position Monitor – Higher Order Mode (HOM) Couplers – More ? A large number of systems:

Other Instrumentation Systems Got a number of documents (specifications, procedures, drawings, pictures) on various instruments and visited the cryo-module under assembly – Darryl Orris Participated in the technical discussions on CMTS instrumentation along with other colleagues from BARC – Mike Made visits to various facilities: HINS, HTS–Manfred Wendt Piezo-tuner – Warren Schappert