To install the four wires from the back of the coil machine, loosen the four knobs. Keep each wire in center under each knob, off to the side will allow for a poor connection. Insert the two black wires under the top and bottom knobs, and the two red wires under the center knobs. Finger tighten securely.
Loosen 2 nd and 3 rd screws and insert “U” shaped connectors on small horseshoe wire, tighten the 2 nd screw. Note: move all DIP switches to the left except for 4 and 5 which are to the right!
Insert green ground wire from rear of coil machine under 3 rd screw over the small horseshoe wire and tighten.
Loosen 1 st screw, insert red “L” shaped wire, and tighten screw.
Loosen 2 nd screw enough to insert black “L” shaped wire over small horseshoe wire, and tighten screw.
Attach red alligator clip from the frequency generator to red “L” shaped wire under 1 st screw with “+” sign. Important: Red must be attached to top screw. Attach black alligator clip from the frequency generator to the black “L” shaped wire under 2 nd screw with the “-” sign.
Congratulations, you are finished. This is what your wiring will look like upon completion.