MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016 BELL RINGER “The Five Senses Poem” Think of a noun. Then write one word that describes that noun for each of our five senses. Any order will work. Copy the title and bulleted words on the left-hand side. Then, fill-in-the- blanks! Formula Example Noun: ________FIRE Sight/See: ________Orange Touch/Feel: ________Hot Hear: __________ Crackling Taste: _________Salty Smell: ________Sulfur Repeat Noun: _______FIRE ANNOUNCEMENTS -1 ST, 2 ND, & 4 TH Periods Historical and Informational Text Test Tomorrow. 50 Questions on scantron. -3 RD & 6 TH Periods Romeo and Juliet Test tomorrow. 100 Questions on scantron. We will finish watching the movie on Wednesday. -USC Aiken Field Trip is on Friday. -Next Monday, we will officially begin our Poetry Unit. This will aid you with testing in the Spring.
TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2016 BELL RINGER “The Autobiography Poem” ANNOUNCEMENTS -1 ST, 2 ND, & 4 TH Periods Historical and Informational Text Test is today. 50 Questions on scantron. -3 RD & 6 TH Periods Romeo and Juliet Test is today. 100 Questions on scantron. We will finish the 1968 movie tomorrow. -USC Aiken Field Trip is on Friday. -Next Monday, we will officially begin our Poetry Unit. This will aid you with testing in the Spring. (name) (four words that describe you) Who reads (at least 1 book/author) Who likes (three hobbies you like) Who fears (you need at least one) Who wishes (three) Who admires (at least one person) Example: Mrs. Logan I am: dedicated, loyal, committed, kind Who reads: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf Who likes: going to the beach, drinking coffee, and being an avid learner Who fears: roaches Who wishes: that people could get along despite differences, to go on vacation in Hawaii, and to actually exercise one of these days Who admires: her mother
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 BELL RINGER Brain Teasers Directions: Copy down numbers 1-3, then answer to the best of your ability! ANNOUNCEMENTS -USC Aiken Field Trip is on Friday. -Next Monday, we will officially begin our Poetry Unit. This will aid you with testing in the Spring. -I will pass out scantrons momentarily. 1. What word is always spelled incorrectly? 2. George's mother had three children: one named April, one named May, and one named what? 3. If eggs can be laid at the rate of eight every seven days, how many can a rooster lay in sixteen days?
THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 BELL RINGER Brain Teasers Directions: Copy down numbers 1-3, then answer to the best of your ability! ANNOUNCEMENTS -USC Aiken Field Trip is tomorrow. -On Monday, we will officially begin our Poetry Unit. This will aid you with testing in the Spring. -Mrs. Quinn’s People: Please come in quietly and have a seat in the back. Go ahead and take out a sheet of paper for your vocabulary quiz. Take about 5-10 minutes to study. Once you are finished with the quiz, grab the list of the next unit of vocabulary words. Remain quiet as you write them on note cards. 1.If you take two apples from three apples, how many do you have? 2. If you had one match and entered a room in which there were a kerosene lamp, an oil burner, and a wood burning stove, which would you light first? 3. Do they have a 4th of July in England?
MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 BELL RINGER Reflect on this past Friday’s Field Trip. Write at least one paragraph on these questions: o What is at least one aspect you learned? It can be regarding the academics presentation or from the tour. o What was fun about the trip? o What did you like about the trip? o Which career are you interested in pursuing? If you did not go on the Field Trip, answer the last question. ANNOUNCEMENTS -Teacher Work Day is this Friday.
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 BELL RINGER Directions: Using context clues, write the number, letter, and explanation that best fits. You do not have to write the statements/questions. 1.It was difficult to listen to Tom speak because he droned on and on just like a buzzer that won't stop buzzing. a. idealb. same tonec. livelyd. scared 2. Garrett went to the apex of the mountain, and because it was so high, he had to take a tank of oxygen with him. a. bottom b. breathec. top d. clear 3. The apparatus that Jill used to connect the fabric was similar to a sewing machine, but this one did all of the work while she just pushed a button. a. idea b. zipperc. instrument d. singular ANNOUNCEMENTS -Teacher Work Day is this Friday.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 BELL RINGER CREATIVE WRITING Directions: Write at least one paragraph from the point of view of this little girl. Consider the following questions as you write: o Is she happy or sad? o What is she looking at? o What is she thinking about? o What time of day is it? ANNOUNCEMENTS -Teacher Work Day is this Friday.
THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BELL RINGER 1. COPY DOWN NUMBERS THEN, NAME THAT FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE! 1. Sally is the sunshine. 2. Sally sells seashells by the seashore. 3. I ran a million laps around the track. 4. The rainbow frowned at the rain. 5. John is as fast as lightening. WORD BANK: HYPERBOLE, ALLITERATION, SIMILE, METAPHOR, PERSONIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENTS -Teacher Work Day is this Friday.