Vice-Presidents’ Presentation Fall 2013 Getting from strategic directions to strategic initiatives 1
OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION 2013 Section Survey – Discussion Three Strategic Directions Evolution and current status National Office initiatives The Role and Opportunities for Sections in the Strategic advancement of CSCE 2
2013 SECTION SURVEY Section management facts & process Best local practices & lessons learned Membership status & growth objective Succession plan among team members 3
2013 SECTION SURVEY Review of CSCE organizational chart and communication links Section needs & expectations from: Regional VP; National Office; Technical Divisions & Programs 4
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS Strategic Direction 1: enhanced services to members CSCE will provide services and benefits to members within all areas of civil engineering activity, targeted to their specific career development needs Strategic Direction 2: growing with youth CSCE will develop programs and benefits that will support students and Young Professionals, targeted to their specific career development needs Strategic Direction 3: leadership in sustainable infrastructure CSCE will influence how public infrastructure in Canada is planned, designed, constructed and maintained 5
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS – PROCESS TO DATE Evolution: Section/Division input 2009 – 2012 Board approval - June 2012 Member e-bulletin advisory – August 2012 Basis of National Office annual workplans since 2012 Next steps: Strategic initiatives at Section, Region, Division, Committee and Program levels 6
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS - SECTIONS Next step is the integration of Strategic Directions in Planning and Reporting for all Sections Timeline: September – begin to develop annual workplan October – submit workplan and Section financial statements to VPs November – VPs present Section workplan to Board April – Sections submit survey and workplan up date to VP and report to Section members 9
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS - SECTIONS Requests from Board/VP as standard features of Section activity: Strategic Direction 1: Nominate local members for Career Awards and Fellowships Contact all new members to understand interests and needs Strategic Direction 2: Support Student Chapters in CSCE competitions Create YP group within the Section Strategic Direction 3: Nominate projects for Award for Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure Nominate individuals or projects for CANAM Award for Excellence in Innovation 11
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS - SECTIONS Suggestions from VPs/Board: Strategic Direction 1: Integrate local Technical Division experts into Section activities Strategic Direction 2: Extra effort to welcome Students and YPs and to integrate in Section activities Strategic Direction 3: Develop technical presentations on sustainable infrastructure and in develop local partnerships with politicians, planners, civil society, etc. 12