Team Meetings Jennifer Powell, MPH, MBA, Quality Improvement Consultant
C OMMERCIAL I NTERESTS D ISCLOSURE Jennifer Powell, MPH, MBA, I have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider of commercial services discussed in this CME activity. I do not intend to discuss an unapproved or investigative use of a commercial product/device in my presentation.
L EARNING O BJECTIVE Assess distribution of roles and responsibilities to ensure we continue to build and sustain processes that result in improved ADHD care
S ESSION A PPROACH Highly interactive session; your team will develop strategies and plans for the next phase of the project Use effective team meeting skills to ensure optimal participation within the designated time frame Guidance available from national and chapter leaders, if needed
S ESSION O UTLINE Team-Time Setup – 5 minutes Share the Care Worksheet – 30 minutes Action Period Planning – 30 minutes Report Out by Team – 10 minutes
Share the Care Worksheet Team-Time Setup Action Period Planning Report Out
E XAMPLE G ROUND R ULES : Start and end on time No sidebar conversations Come prepared and ready to contribute Don’t interrupt the person speaking Be open to hearing other people’s perspectives Question assumptions Speak only for yourself Honor the group Be honest Be respectful Create a safe environment Share all relevant information. Everyone has a chance to speak without interruption. No idea is a bad idea. All ideas and opinions will be respected. Individuals’ personal comments remain confidential Give specific example Speak about interests not positions Capture decisions and action items Silence means agreement Consensus, majority vote, or unanimous agreement are the way to make decisions Raise hands when you want to speak Make decisions based on clear information. Accept the fact that there will be differences of opinion. Attack the problem, not the person- "no blame game" Share time so that all can participate End meeting with a list of follow-up items and the person responsible for each
T EAM R OLES Select a facilitator Select a time-keeper Select a note-taker – Make note of changes on the Share the Care worksheet – Populate the change activity log Select a reporter – Will provide report out to group
Share the Care Worksheet Team-Time Setup Action Period Planning Report Out
D ISTRIBUTION OF R OLES Is work distributed appropriately across roles? Are staff working at the top of their profession? What changes do you want to try? How will these impact your workflows? If appropriate, add any tests to the change activity log.
S HARE THE C ARE W ORKSHEET : S UGGESTED M EETING A GENDA Review the worksheet – is it accurate or do you want to modify the roles or activities? (5-10 minutes) Is work distributed appropriately across roles? Are staff working at the top of their profession? (5-10 minutes) What changes do you want to make, and/or what activities do you want to add? (10 minutes) Prepare 3-5 talking points for the report-out (3 minutes) Reminder: If testing changes, enter the activity under the appropriate key driver on the change activity log
Share the Care Worksheet Team-Time Setup Action Period Planning Report Out
C HANGE A CTIVITY L OG : S UGGESTED M EETING A GENDA Enter any current testing under the appropriate key driver (5 minutes) Determine at least one change to test under key drivers 3, 4 and 5 (15-20 minutes) Determine further testing under key drivers 1 and 2 (5-10 minutes) Prepare 3-5 talking points for the report out (5 minutes)
Share the Care Worksheet Team-Time Setup Action Period Planning Report Out
Share the Care Worksheet: – What did you learn about your practice (specific to roles/responsibilities) from completing the worksheet? – What role redistribution changes will you be making or testing? Change Activity Log: – Share new tests you will be conducting under key drivers 3 and 4 R EPORT O UT B Y P RACTICE T EAM