Gatsby’s way of doing business: offers shady business deal (“a confidential sort of thing” p. 83) to Nick in return for setting up meeting with Daisy. What does this show about Gatsby? What does this show about Nick? (Treating act of friendship as business, Gatsby is unwittingly – that is, unintentionally – being crass and vulgar here.) Is Gatsby a shady person, or does he just not know any better?
GATSBY AND DAISY AT NICK’S Gatsby’s costume? [“white flannel suit, silver shirt and gold colored tie” (wealth)] Setting? [Grass freshly cut, flowers delivered] When Daisy comes, Gatsby leaves, then knocks at door: “Gatsby, pale as death, with his hands plunged like weights in his coat pockets, was standing in a puddle of water glaring tragically into my eyes” (86)
The Clock? Significance of the “defunct mantlepiece clock” (86-7)? [Time has stopped; Gatsby trying to stop time] Gatsby as a “little boy” (88), childishly placing cosmic significance upon toys and material acquisitions
DAISY AT GATSBY’S HOUSE Gatsby makes sure everything is just right: house illuminated, etc. Gatsby gives Daisy tour of his house: READ pp Gatsby’s multi-colored shirts (92)? [material possessions take on a divine, spiritual meaning] Green Light of Daisy’s dock: READ pp Gatsby creating scene: lights in house, Klipspringer playing piano READ p. 95: Daisy as the unreachable, unattainable Dream There is tragedy in Gatsby, for his dream will never be realized – his “extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness” (6) is too vast to ever be realized!
Poem on title page: Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry “Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!”