Ion Luca Caragiale Biographical Librarian Crina Liliana Mares “Dan Barbilian” School Constanta Romania
Ion Luca Caragiale Was born on January 29, 1852, in Wallachian village not far from Ploiesti. He was an playwright, story-teller, lampoonist, poet, writer, theatre manager, politic commentator and journalist. When Romanians are asked, “ Are there any great comic writers in Romanian literature? There can be no question that most of them think first of Caragiale.”
“A man musn‘t try what he can’t do.” Pseudonym:Pseudonym Policar, I., L., I.L.C., C., Ion, Luca, Falstaff, Nastratin, Zoil, I.L.Caragiale
“ I write only our life and for our life, because I don’t know other life, and I don’t care.” “Nothing consume an wicked more then laugh” (I.L.Caragiale)
Birth certificate
ION LUCA CARAGIALE ( ) -life and literature His father was one of the brothers who werw all connected with yhe theater, but hadnleft the stage years before, divorcing his actress wife and warrying a country woman.
Gimnaziul „Sfinţii Petru şi Pavel” din Ploieşti While Ion Luca Caragiale was stile a small boy, the family moved into Ploiesti, and it was there to went to school. He went at St. Petru and Pavel gymnasium.
1868 at Bucharest In 1868 he left for Bucharest to study decalamation with his uncle Iorgu Caragiale, and to be prompter to his company. After his father’s deth in 1872, he combined the job of prompter and copist with that of proofreader at two news paper.
Romania became a less important target for exiled Greeks With new trends of migration, Romania became a less important target for exiled Greeks, and this became limited to people of lower social status—with ethnic Greeks being most visible as entrepreneurs, middlemen traders, and especially sailors (both on the Danube the Black Sea—in the case of the latter, after the integration of Dobruja in 1878, which also gave Romania a new population of Greeks, already on the spot).Black SeaDobruja1878
1877 he write at “ The time” He began to write to the conservative paper”Timpul”of wich his friend, the poet Eminescu,Had just become editor. He was I the editional staff. He was the productions of his verse translation ( from French)of Alexandre Parodi’s classical tragedy, “Rome Conquered”,wich first attracted attention to his literary gifts.
I.L.Caragiale with his sun Mateiu on march,12 in 1885, was born his sun Mateiu Caragiale, mather Maria Constantinescu,. march, MateiuMaria Constantinescu
His fiends 1.Mihai Eminescu 2.Ioan Slavici 3.Ion Creanga 4.George Cosbuc 5.Alexandru Vlahuta
"O noapte furtunoasa". ("A Stormy Night") was first performed In noiembrie 1878 Caragiale began his career as a writer by publishing a series of poems in the magazine Ghimpele ("The Thorn"). He became one of the leading members of the most important literary movement of his time, Junimea, movement which launched great names of Romanian literature, such as Ion Creangă and Mihai Eminescu Junimea Romanian literature Ion CreangăMihai Eminescu That imposing figure, Titu maiorescu, professor, critic, and politician, aproved of him and introduced him to the literary circle Junimea ( Youth), over wich he presided at Yabby. No dubt it was Maiorescu’s influence wich later procured him and ispector-ships of schools In 1881 live “Timpul”.
O scrisoare pierduta (A lost Letter) 1884 Marked the zenith in november the 13’th of 1884 His plays are characterised by a classical construction and a very acute observation of the social realities of the time, always mixed with a fine sense of irony.
D-ale carnavalului (1885) ("Carnival Adventures")
In 1888 he was Director –General of the National Theatre from Bucharest But was not a success It was then he married. The financial responsabilities of married life mod his position and he was never economic Still more dificult than before
Napasta (1890).
Through his polemic works, Caragiale entered in conflict with influential literary and political figures of the time. His career suffered, and in 1906, Caragiale moved with his family to BerlinBerlin Ion Luca Caragiale died in Berlin on June 9, 1912 of arteriosclerosis. He was buried in Bucharest, Romania, in the Bellu cemetery.June arteriosclerosis BucharestRomaniaBellu cemetery
He frequently visited Romania and contributed to Romanian periodicals. For his 60th birthday in 1912 friends in Romania wished to organise a jubilee, but he refused. In the spring of the same year he had the pleasure of seeing a series of remarkable poems by Mateiu Caragiale (his illegitimate son, with whom his relationship was often tense) published in Viaţa Românească. Mateiu Caragiale
Vizită Două lozuri d.L GoeTelegrame His most influential works are : D-l Goe O noapte furtunoasă ("A Stormy Night") O scrisoare pierdută ("A Lost Letter") Conu Leonida faţă cu reacţiunea ("Mr. Leonida Faces the Reaction") Năpasta ("The Calamity") D-ale carnavalului ("Carnival Adventures")
As a founding figure of Romanian literature, Caragiale is portrayed on the old 1,000,000 lei note issued in December 2003 and also on the new 100 lei banknote issued after the denomination process in late 2005.lei