Budapest, April, 2009 What happened at GA?
[Official picture]
Who was there? 263 people in total 160 LBG delegates 6 Bunnies 2 speakers 13 Extras 9 Invited 5 Lemons 2 PM 09 organisers 1 Ambassador 5 People from other NGOs 18 CMT delegates plus many many co- and organisers!
Sessions 97 Presentations 67 people presenting 692 minutes total presenting time 25 minutes saved with colored paper voting 150 minutes saved with parallel plenaries 285 minutes in plenary on rejected proposals
Highlights! Company day Projects LTAB / LBG Show GA 2010 Discussion Groups What changed in GA? XXII Management of BEST
Company Day 5 company presentation 13 companies attending the jobfair 7 workshops “BEST sucks!” said in one of the speeches
Company Day
Projects – Working Groups Recognition EBEC IEC Joint Event on Education with CFES Virtual International Plenary NewsTeam Marketing Strategy Knowledge Group History Book BEST Performance Indicators
Let's Talk About BEST/LBG Show 7 presentations in LTAB: 24h Engineering Competition (LBG Porto) Make your University happy! (LBG Warsaw) LSS and other IFISO opportuities (Cem - LSS) Impact of BEST (LBG Chisinau) BEST Courses: Working too little / partying too hard? (LBG Lisbon) Grants and TrainShops (LBG Brno) Fairness in selection of participants to courses (Nuxa – LBG Lisbon) 5 Presentations in LBG Show BUZZ! Promotion of Courses (LBG Cluj Napoca) Rise up, from observer to full (LBG Madrid Carlos III) 240 teams in a Local Engineering Competition (LBG Krakow) Joint events (LBG Brno) Out of region Monitoring (LBGs Eindhoven & Ljubljana)
LBG Lviv presented the progress in organising PM 2009 LBG Naples presented its intention to organise PM 2010 LBG Warsaw ran and was elected to organise GA 2010 Congratulations Warsaw! GM Organisers
Discussion Groups 9 topics discussed: Outcomes here: ve=am0gprg ve=am0gprg Welcome Pack: Getting Newbies into the BEST Spirit Global Offers for international companies Support to NEC/RECs & LECs Trainings for LBGs (Local beREADY getSTRONGER) Students' responsibilities in external events Events' organisation & LBG HR Marketing strategy in My LBG Growth How to approach other organizations
What changed in GA? Membership Welcome LBG Nis in the full members family! Welcome Baby LBG Saint Petersburg in the BEST members family Welcome back full LBG ENSTA! LBG Lyon is now suspended Observer group Aveiro lost its Observer status
VIP is official Proposals were approved! VIP is now an official decision making body of BEST! Choose your LBG’s delegate in VIP and make sure he / she votes! What changed in GA?
Reports The Annual Action Reports of all committees and the XXI Board were approved! The Annual Financial Report of the XXI Board was also approved! Congratulations to all for their great work! What changed in GA?
Budget for 2009 / 2010 Budget for XXII board was approved! Free marketing materials and History Books for LBGs Financial support to LBGs for EBEC and internal events What changed in GA?
Season DLs Next season deadlines were approved! Spring 2010 Summer 2010 Autumn 2010 Winter 2010 What changed in GA?
Voting procedure in IRE & FRP Proposal to clarify the regulations about voting procedures in Internal Regulations and the Financial Rules Package was approved! Blanks will now be counted in the votes cast for IRE and FRP proposals What changed in GA?
Voting procedure in Committees Proposal to change the voting procedures in committees was approved! All voting on people inside the committees will now happen the same way as for the coordinator. What changed in GA?
Making changes in the FRP Proposal to remove from the Financial Rules Package the article about making changes in it was approved! Same article not repeating in 2 places anymore. What changed in GA?
Counting events Proposal to count events from the confirmation stage and not attendance was approved! Applicants to courses that confirm but don’t attend will lose one of the 3 events they can go to. What changed in GA?
Vivaldi Handbook Proposal to clarify Out of Season Events in the Vivaldi HB was approved! Proposal to clarify participants’ responsibilities in the Vivaldi HB was approved! Applicants to courses will now know what they have to do to receive their deposit back. What changed in GA?
Leisure events deposit Proposal to set an equal deposit value for all participants of Leisure events was approved! Deposit now 60 € for all country categories What changed in GA?
Facebook proposal Proposal to make applications to BEST Courses anonymous was approved! No more looking up applicants on facebook and other social networks. What changed in GA?
LBG Aalborg What almost changed in GA? Suspended LBG Aalborg Proposed for: Still suspended Full by LBG Lund Baby by LBG Reykjavik Excluded automatic Observer by Board All proposals REJECTED
bonding What almost changed in GA? Proposals: To withdraw from the current cooperation plan. To aprove a new cooperation plan. (no BEST courses by bonding) To grant 3 more places for observer applications coming from bonding members Counterproposal: To have a second WorkShop No change and we’ll have a second WS Approved
Counting OoSEs What almost changed in GA? Out of Season Events OoSEs can still be either counted or not Proposal: To count OoSEs in the 8 seasons rule only if after an In Season Event Currently it is not specified if OoSEs count or not in the 8 seasons rule. Counterproposal: To not count OoSEs in the 8 seasons rule at all Rejected
Automatic exclusions Proposal to remove article 6.5 from the Regulations on Admission and Exclusion was rejected! Proposals for exclusion are still automatic after the second GM as suspended What almost changed in GA?
New Committee Coordinators The hi5s are elected and confirmed! ITC: Anet Aselmaa – Tallinn markeTeam: Teele Kundla – Tallinn TiGro: Peter Kun – Budapest finTeam: Adelina Martiniuc – Bucharest EEC: Inna Granishevs'ka – Zipi EduCo:Gorana Bosic - Belgrade New management of BEST
New Board of BEST The XXII board is elected! President:David Salamon - Budapest Treasurer: Andres Utt – Tallinn Secretary: Nataliia Gurianova – Lviv VP ES: Lucien Romagnoli – Ghent VP IS: Vladimir Bulgaru – Chisinau VP LGS:Paal Lohne - Trondheim New management of BEST
New Board of BEST The XXII board is elected! President:David Salamon - Budapest Treasurer: Andres Utt – Tallinn Secretary: Nataliia Gurianova – Lviv VP ES: Lucien Romagnoli – Ghent VP IS: Vladimir Bulgaru – Chisinau VP LGS:Paal Lohne - Trondheim New management of BEST Congratulations!!!
International and Hungarian Evening Spa party on arrival day 3 Theme parties: 20 th Anniversary Gala YouNITE party TRAVE party For gossips please contact your delegates Parties
Questions? Find us on holidays… GA s i O E R V