Hand in Module 6 Final Assignment
I. Goals of an Internship To put into practice the learning you received in class Expose you to working in a sales representation role, in Quebec Here are seven objectives for your internship. In which order of importance would you place each of them? Stimulate the knowledge you acquired in class Reinforce the competencies and abilities that you acquired Consolidate the attitudes and behaviors required in a local working environment Adjust perceptions of the role of a sales representative as a function of the reality of the work environment Prepare yourself to be proficient in your new work environment Acquire work experience Confirm and further focus in on the type of sales representation work you will like to do
Section Summary - Preparing for Internship A. Inventory of Personal Knowledge Objective of Internship Roles & Responsibilities of the Parties before, during, after internship Personal & Professional Objectives Exercises and – self-evaluation on preferences Exercise – Your Professional Aptitude Profile B. Aptitudes Professional Ethics Sense of Responsibility D. Integration into Work Environment Employee-Supervisor Relations Team Work C. Know-How Corporate Culture Exercise – Qualities and Aptitudes Communication Analysis & Problem-Resolution
Building Your Intern Profile… Starting from the results of Self-Test 7.1.4, let’s summarize the four main aptitudes Team Work – This is an essential aptitude and your reliability, integrity, and talent are key components of this aptitude Adaptability – Every customer needs to be treated respectfully and they don’t all have the same needs In addition, it is not expected that you will start and end your career in the same position or even the same organization. “New” and “change” are the new normal and, in order to keep pace, adaptability is an essential aptitude. Key components include humility, perseverance, enthusiasm, finding enjoyment in challenging oneself
Building Your Intern Profile… Communication – Other than simple language ability (which is a MUST in sales representation), the capability of deftly managing verbal and non-verbal techniques in not only sending and receiving messages but conveying meaning and emotion in order to build solid and meaningful professional relationships is the main reason for sales representation in an organization You are responsible for many first steps in building your professional relationships within your host company: ask questions, get your co-workers to speak about their work, their career, etc. Even shy people can ask questions
Building Your Intern Profile… Remember the following: Listen without cutting people off Pay attention to non-verbal cues – 55%, or more, of messages pass non- verbally, 38% by tone of voice, with only 7% coming from verbal cues Be open and friendly. Your own body language also communicates a lot to others Stay attentive during meeting and take notes, when possible If asked to present, prepare in advance when possible so all your points are effectively covered, without hesitation and in an organize, easy-to- understand manner Instead of criticizing others, speak about how you feel… not easy but more effective
Building Your Intern Profile… Accountability – manly it involves: Proving by SHOWING your level of engagement with regards to the tasks and responsibilities that have been conferred upon you SHOWING concern for and COMMITMENT to the quality of work required by your host company and your school Capability to objective analyze your accomplishments and behaviors Assume the consequences of your actions and decisions
Building Your Intern Profile… Analysis and Problem-Solving – manly it involves: The capacity to quickly and accurately establish customer’s needs and wants vis-à-vis your host company’s products, solutions and services Understanding the essence of your customer’s requests, the context from which these needs arise, your host company’s culture and offering, and good judgment are key success factors to mastering this aptitude
Activity Your Internship Profile 1. Download the file from class web site (Class 43) 2. Answer all questions and reflect upon your short-term objectives, per aptitude 3. This will help you set objectives for your internship and help your supervisors get to know you better 4. Print and bring to next class. Hand in to teacher. This will become part of your intern file, at school
Activity Your Internship Profile – Part 2 1. Download the file from class web site (Class 43) 2. Answer all questions and reflect upon what you need to develop and how you personally prioritize each aptitude 3. This will help you set objectives for your internship and help your supervisors get to know you better 4. Print and bring to next class. Hand in to teacher. This will become part of your intern file, at school
2.Searching for an Internship Opportunity I.Creating Your Intern Profile II.Searching for a Host Company III.Putting Your Prospecting Skills into Practice
I.Creating Your Intern Profile 1.Authorization Letter from school for your participation in internship as a student of the school 2.The Teaching Program 3.Definition of the Role of the Internship Supervisor 4.Letter of confirmation signed by host company representative 5.Confirmation of registration with CSST
Back to Your Resumé… Update section on objectives Add items pertaining to aptitudes Check for appropriate action words Check for spelling and correct contact information Make any necessary work related updates Keep phrases short Do not include your birth date
Activity Update Your Resumé 1. Per the previous slide, make necessary updates and review with teacher 2. Create a LinkedIn account. If you already have one, review and update then show to teacher 3. Review with class emploi québec web site
Homework Review Resumé Review
II.Searching for a Host Company 1.Search Strategies 2.Building a List of Prospective Host Companies
Search Strategies Where to Look? Canada Employment Center Emploi-québec centers Student Employment Centers Newspapers (traditional and online) Internet job search sites Trade magazines, newsletters, newspapers Quebec Product Directory Phone Book Personal Network of Contacts Mentors
Search Strategies How to Start? Create a list of target companies Figure out which ones seem to meet your personal and professional objectives: near your home? Type of business, product line, values, new challenges, etc.? Find the types of resources as described on previous slide and use them to build a list of target companies Research these companies and decide if you’d like to contact them for an internship opportunity. (Find 5 or 6, to start)
Activity Continue to Build Your Target Company List 1. Open your company tracking sheet, that you built in the first few classes of this program 2. Per the previous slides in this class, Build a prospect tracking sheet including, for each target: Company name, address, phone, , Name and title of contact person, and reason why this is a good target company for you 3. Save this in:InternshipTackingSheet_FirstName_LastNa me.xlsx 4. Moving forward, we will review this tracking sheet at every class
Next Steps Now that you have have a list of target host companies, it’s time to reach out Cover letter Resumé Telephone
Next Steps Remember back to the beginning of the program when we explored where to look for sales representation opportunities and what to look for: some sales jobs have different titles. Here are a few examples to refresh your memory: Commercial agent Commercial delegate Broker Commercial Representative
Using the Telephone to Prospect for Internships Through this program, you learned how to build a calling script and now is the time to put your newly acquired skill into real- life practice! On the next slide you will find a script in French The slide after the following slide is the same calling sciprt translated to English
Administrative Assistant or Receptionist Hi! My name is (Your Name). I am looking for the Director. I would like to speak with them, please Presentation Hello, Mr./Ms. ___(write name of contact here)_________ I am (Your Name) and a student in sales representation at FengYe Academy, in Montreal Request I am looking for a non-paid internship in a company and would be very interested to complete it in your company. Would it be possible? (Next Slide) If you are asked for the reason you are calling, you can say that it is to discuss internship opportunities Remember to always be polite When searching for internship opportunities, it is best to speak to a Director, a human resources manager, or someone who is responsible for hiring Be brief and stick to what is essential Be sure to specify that the internship you seek is UN-PAID
If contact answers ‘no’: Second Attempt I believe that I can bring my share of contribution to your goals and, since my internship is unpaid, you have a winning situation. Would it be possible to meet, briefly? If contact answers ‘no’ again: Would you know of any colleagues inside or outside your company that may be looking for an intern? Conclusion Thank you for your time, Mr./Ms. _________. Have a great day! Smile! Even if you are not visible, the person you are speaking with will hear your smile Take the time to sincerely thank them for their time Follow these steps in the same order every time
It may feel awkward, at first. Practice with someone If you are asked to make your request in writing, the following slide provides a form letter you can use Remember to include a follow-up date in your letter Make sure YOU FOLLOW-UP
Indicate the main purpose of your internship and its duration Remember to include all your contact information here, or in the signature section at the end of the letter or Using specific details from your previous conversation, work experience, and education, sell yourself. Tell your prospective host company why they should choose you John Carter 123 Main Street Anytown, Ontario J4P 1W7 (416) October 25 th, 2014 Daniel Cooper Bedford Furnishings, inc. 3745, 24 th Avenue Montreal (Quebec) H1S 1M5 Regarding: Inquiring pertaining to internship possibility in sales representation Sir, In following up on our telephone conversation of October 24 th, please find included my resumé. Please let me reiterate my interest in completing my internship with your company. As you know, I am expecting to graduate from my vocational training program in sales representation in January, 2015, am proficient in Microsoft Office, researching prospects and preparing for sales calls. You will also see, on my resumé, that I have worked as a sales assistant at a company in your sector. This experience helped me to develop my problem-solving skills and understand sales roles and responsibilities in the field. In addition, I would like to re-iterate that this internship is for 60 hours and is non-paid. The goal is for me to be initiated into the work of sales representation and I am convinced that your company would be, for me, both a great place to work and an excellent starting point. As we agreed in our previous conversation, I will follow up with you between now and November 5 th. Once, again, Mr. Cooper, that you for your consideration. Regards, John Carter Remember to include all your contact information here, or in the signature section at the end of the letter or Use single spacing and do not go over one page in lengthl Specify when you will follow up If a written letter, do not forget to sign it
Activity Reaching out to Host Companies Create a call script that you are comfortable with Reach out to the host companies on your target list Steps 1. Draft a call script in a style that is comfortable for you 2. Ensure that the following elements are included in your script: Presentation and initial request to the person who is answering your call (name of person and request to be transferred) Salutation and BRIEF presentation of your profile to resource person Request for internship Inquiry for other references in case resource person is not interested Thank you and final salutation
Activity Reaching out to Host Companies (Continued) Steps (Continued) 3. Revise and make any corrections to your calling script. Have it reviewed by teacher 4. Copy it to the sheet on the class web site: Classes 43 and 44, Exercise – Individualized Internship Calling Scriptweb site 5. Call one of the companies on your internship prospecting target list that you created in a previous Activity. If you are uncomfortable, take your lowest priority target in order to “break the ice” with the calling process 6. Follow you call script and take note during the call. Remember your contact’s name 7. Make any necessary corrections to your call script, after the call 8. Repeat the above steps until you land an internship 9. The following slide has a checklist of key elements. After a call, look at the list to evaluate yourself
Activity Reaching out to Host Companies (Continued) Call Performance Checklist Self-Evaluation I was courteous with the person who answered my call ☐☐ I presented myself to the person who answered my call ☐☐ I asked for the name of the resource-person ☐☐ I asked to speak with the resource person ☐☐ I contacted the resource person ☐☐ IF THE RESOURCE PERSON WAS REACHED: ☐☐ I addressed the resource person using their name ☐☐ My presentation was brief and clear ☐☐ I kept to my call script ☐☐ I mentioned that it was a NON PAID internship ☐☐ I thanked the person I spoke with ☐☐ I had a positive and pleasant disposition for the entire call ☐☐ I took notes during the call ☐☐
Meeting with the Host Company Representative This will likely be in the form of an interview although it may be less formal than a job interview Purpose: to get to know you – do you have the required level of competency and the right personality to integrate into their company Checklist of items to prepare: CV and any other required documentation List of references (as required) Answers to frequently asked interview questions Your personal and professional internship objectives A list of questions you would like to ask during the interview Review your CV (resumé) and your summary of capabilities to highlight your strengths as they relate to each, specific opportunity (company and role) as a sales representative intern
Getting the “Tour”… You may be offered to walk through the office and/or production/warehousing facility This is an opportunity to get familiar with the layout, tasks, organization, and working conditions
Keys to Success… Be on time – 5-15 minutes early! Be interested in what is being said to you… body language counts! Ask questions. This requires preparation. The more you will have prepared, the more of a positive impression you will leave Keep your eyes opened – how are employees dressed? How is the office laid out? What is the mood? How do employees interact with each other? Etc.
You can specify anything you particularly enjoyed about your time Thank You Letter Whether it follows an interview or just a facility visit, it is always a good idea to send a Thank You letter to the person who received you Below is some sample text for the main body: I would like to thank you for your time on April 28 th. I particularly appreciated visiting your facilities and meeting a few employees. I am excited by our conversation which reinforced my interest in working with your team. So, I eagerly await the start of my internship. Warm Regards, John Smith Express your interest in doing your internship with the company Don’t forget the closing salutation!
Activity Getting Focused on Target Host Companies 1. Gather as much information as possible on your target host companies 2. Some information needs to be gathered prior to your visit. Other information will be collected during your visit 3. Basic information to be gathered: INFORMATION ON HOST COMPANY Name: Address: Phone: Contact Person: Size: Small ☐ Medium ☐ Large ☐ Products/Services Offered: Number of Years in Business: Number of Employees:
Activity (Continued) Getting Focused on Target Host Companies 4. Before meeting with your contact, find as much of the following information as possible: SPECIFIC INFORMATION Number of Sales Representatives: Name of President: Name/Title of Internship Supervisor: Name of two Sales Reps that you will work with: Has the company ever had sales interns? Yes ☐ No ☐ Does the company have a social committee that organizes employee events? Yes ☐ No ☐ Notes: 5. During your interview and/or visit, try to fill in any information you are lacking
Section Summary Prepare Your Internship Profile Resumé and Other Documents Search for Target Internship Host Companies Internet Directories Employment Centers Contact Target Host Companies Calls s Agreement Visit Host Companies Observe, Listen Ask Questions Thank Host Companies Letter