SWEN303 User Interface Design
Course Structure Part 1: Designing, implementing and evaluating user interfaces (weeks 1 - 8) Part 2: The next steps (weeks )
Course Assessment Individual project: 25% (mid week 4) Main Project (group programming): Personas: 30% (beginning of week 6) Group Presentation: 15% (week 11 / 12) Individual Videos: 30% (week 12)
Textbook There is no textbook. There is, however, plenty to read. You can use digital resources available through the Library. ACM Digital Library. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. Springer’s LNCS. …
Lectures Powerpoint slides aren’t notes. the text on the slides largely exist for the benefit of one person. Ask questions.
Users Who are they? What do they want? Why do they want it? How will they use it? When will they use it?
“Human-Computer Interaction” How can we understand users? modelling humans? How can we best pass instructions to computers? keyboard vs mouse vs kinect vs leap-motion vs touch vs wiimote vs joystick vs … How can best present information to users? visual design, interaction design, environmental considerations, …
Sciency-stuff Finally, how can we: create a repeatable, verifiable, scientific basis for applying general HCI knowledge to problems. refrain from relying too heavily on glorified blog posts from those who out-opinionated everyone else.
Resources TED Talks Google Tech Talks Conferences Journals SIGCHI Tech News …