Tweet #CCinsight 1
2 WHO ARE CLASS CAREERS? We’re a social enterprise that connects young talent with big employers across the country. Our aim is to end inequality in careers education.
Tweet #CCinsight 3 WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It’s only fair that everyone – no matter where you live, or where you go to school - gets the same, EQUAL, HONEST and FAIR advice no matter what.
Tweet #CCinsight 4 DID YOU KNOW? % of young people think they’ll only get a good job if they go to university 31
Tweet #CCinsight 5 DID YOU KNOW? % of young people know about apprenticeships, what they can offer, and how they can be of value to them 26
Tweet #CCinsight 6 DID YOU KNOW? % of young people think that parents are their best source of information when it comes to careers 52
Tweet #CCinsight 8 SO WE DECIDED… TO BRING THEM TO YOU. Now, there’s a bright idea!
Tweet #CCinsight 9 We’ve partnered with: To give you the opportunity to learn more about their trainee programme and what roles are available to you.
Tweet #CCinsight 10 During this session, you’ll: Learn more about Schroders Get information about the variety of roles available to you Be able to chat directly to Schroders employees
Tweet #CCinsight 11 WHY IS THIS USEFUL? There are plenty of options for you after you leave school. We want you to know more about what exactly is on offer. So you can make the best decision for your future.
Tweet #CCinsight 12 QUICK ACTIVITY Guesses, please!
Tweet #CCinsight 13 WHO ARE SCHRODERS? Schroders are an asset management firm based in London. They have offices around the world, and are one of the biggest asset management firms in Europe.
Tweet #CCinsight 14 WHAT IS ASSET MANAGEMENT? Asset management is the management of investments by a financial services company, usually an investment bank. The company will invest on behalf of their client in order to give them access to a wide range of products. Basically, looking after money!
Tweet #CCinsight 15 HOW MUCH MONEY DO SCHRODERS MANAGE? Schroders currently manage a total of £324.9 billion on behalf of institutional and retail investors, financial institutions and high net-worth clients from around the world.
Tweet #CCinsight 17 … IN HOW MANY COUNTRIES? … in 28 offices across Europe, the Americas, Asia Africa and the Middle East
Tweet #CCinsight 18 COULD YOU WORK FOR THEM? YES! Schroders offer a one-year long paid work experience programme for students who are interested in a career in financial services. It’s not an apprenticeship, so at the end of it, if you want to go to university – you can!
Tweet #CCinsight 19 IS IT FOR ME? The trainee programme is open to any student who are Interested in a career in financial services. Aside from INVESTMENT BANKING, you could also work in: OPERATIONS, CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS, SAFEGUARDING, HR or IT.
Tweet #CCinsight 20 You need at least 240 UCAS POINTS to apply for the trainee programme with Schroders. That is equivalent to three Cs at A Level! IS IT FOR ME?
Tweet #CCinsight 21 There are NO SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS, so students from a range of academic backgrounds are open to apply. IS IT FOR ME?
Tweet #CCinsight 22 GROUP ACTIVITY Start to think about the questions you want to know about Schroders
Tweet #CCinsight 23 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How much will I get paid? What subjects should I take? What grades do I need? What are the benefits? How old do I have to be to apply? Where will I be based? What skills do I need? What’s the interview like?
Tweet #CCinsight 24 SO, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?
Tweet #CCinsight 25 AFTER You’ll have the opportunity to chat with someone who has joined Schroders as a trainee. You’ll be getting real answers to your questions, straight from the employer! THE VIDEO Chats last around 20 minutes, so make the most of it!
Tweet #CCinsight 26 HELP US IMPROVE OUR SERVICE By filling in both the pre and post-chat surveys, we’ll be able to improve our offer for other students just like you. Please ensure to take five minutes at the end of the chat to answer the survey questions.
Tweet #CCinsight 27 LET’S FIND OUT MORE
Tweet #CCinsight 28 ABOUT SHRODERS Video: ng-out/trainee-programme/
Tweet #CCinsight 29 Please follow this link to chat directly with a Schroders employee: Each student needs their own computer to have one-to-one conversations.
Tweet #CCinsight 30 THANK YOU For taking part in this Class Careers online workshop. Please be sure to answer the survey questions at the end.