CReSIS SPIDAL Update on 3D imaging work since Jan meeting Kansas University Mar 25, 2016 meeting
3-D Imaging Lowest hanging fruit: Apply algorithm to Canadian Arctic Archipelago dataset.
3-D Imaging Lowest hanging fruit: Apply algorithm to Canadian Arctic Archipelago dataset.
Tasks Receiver equalization of all sub-arrays/channels Align fine resolution DEMs (e.g. SPOT and Worldview) with radar data. Use surface DEMs as ground truth for surface DEM extraction from radar data Use surface DEMs to improve basal surface DEM estimation Conversion (and resampling) of images from a cylindrical coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system. Use fine resolution DEM to determine surface refraction. Provide more simulation examples for IU group to test with Produce first order 3D surfaces based on MUSIC algorithm. Apply narrowband MLE algorithm to further refine nadir beam and improve 3D surfaces Refine side looking beams with wideband MLE algorithm and all 3 sub-arrays and improve 3D surfaces Use MLE results to generate basal scattering image Figure 3. Relative phase angle and aircraft roll showing correct channel ordering.
Tasks Receiver equalization of all sub-arrays/channels Align fine resolution DEMs (e.g. SPOT and Worldview) with radar data. Use surface DEMs as ground truth for surface DEM extraction from radar data Use surface DEMs to improve basal surface DEM estimation Conversion (and resampling) of images from a cylindrical coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system. Use fine resolution DEM to determine surface refraction. Provide more simulation examples for IU group to test with Produce first order 3D surfaces based on MUSIC algorithm. Apply narrowband MLE algorithm to further refine nadir beam and improve 3D surfaces Refine side looking beams with wideband MLE algorithm and all 3 sub-arrays and improve 3D surfaces Use MLE results to generate basal scattering image ADC Channels on FieldUnits EqualdB Equaldeg Tsysns ADC Channels on Field Unit s Equ aldB Equ aldeg Tsysns ADC Channels on Field Unit s Equ aldB Equ aldeg Tsysns Table 6. Equalization coefficients for each day. The final set used are the ones acquired on
Tasks Receiver equalization of all sub-arrays/channels Align fine resolution DEMs (e.g. SPOT and Worldview) with radar data. Use surface DEMs as ground truth for surface DEM extraction from radar data Use surface DEMs to improve basal surface DEM estimation Conversion (and resampling) of images from a cylindrical coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system. Use fine resolution DEM to determine surface refraction. Provide more simulation examples for IU group to test with Produce first order 3D surfaces based on MUSIC algorithm. Apply narrowband MLE algorithm to further refine nadir beam and improve 3D surfaces Refine side looking beams with wideband MLE algorithm and all 3 sub-arrays and improve 3D surfaces Use MLE results to generate basal scattering image
Tasks Receiver equalization of all sub-arrays/channels Align fine resolution DEMs (e.g. SPOT and Worldview) with radar data. Use surface DEMs as ground truth for surface DEM extraction from radar data Use surface DEMs to improve basal surface DEM estimation Conversion (and resampling) of images from a cylindrical coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system. Use fine resolution DEM to determine surface refraction. Provide more simulation examples for IU group to test with Produce first order 3D surfaces based on MUSIC algorithm. Apply narrowband MLE algorithm to further refine nadir beam and improve 3D surfaces Refine side looking beams with wideband MLE algorithm and all 3 sub-arrays and improve 3D surfaces Use MLE results to generate basal scattering image