Every student in every class needs… A covered textbook (please stay on top of this!) A social studies notebook and folder (if the notebook has pockets, this can count as the folder) Headphones/earbuds for iPads Pencils/pens Planner – should be coming to all classes! A positive, respectful attitude and a willingness to learn.
Current Events Assignment Students will be scheduled to present current events twice every semester. 6 th grade’s focus is state and local events. (I do allow tri-state articles, so PA and WV are fine, too.) 7 th grade’s focus is national events. 8 th grade’s focus is world events. ALL students should be practicing presenting their articles or political cartoons at home prior to their scheduled class date! Students may present two articles per trimester or one article and one political cartoon.
Current Events Assignment (con’t.) Students receive their dates at the beginning of each trimester. They are asked to write them on their current events informational paper and list the dates in their planner. Additionally, I read the names aloud several times during the week, AND the names are listed in two places in my classroom. (You can imagine how much it drives me batty to hear a student tell me “I didn’t know I had current events today.”)
Current Events Assignment (con’t.) How are students graded? Dates in PowerSchool will not usually match when your child presents! Don’t panic! Each student will have two grades in my grading program during each trimester, but I must pre-set the dates since everyone presents on different weeks.
General Expectations I do require my students to be on-task and to participate in class. I love when students volunteer, and I do like to call on the willing participants often, but I also sometimes call on students who are not as “joyful” about participating! (I promise this does not mean I am picking on your child!) I give multiple warnings/reminders/redirection cues to students who are not remaining on-task. Usually after several gentle reminders, I will speak to the student one-on-one, and if the behavior continues, I contact parents. Demerits (or in extreme cases, detention) may follow for repeated offenses.
National Junior Honor Society As the school’s NJHS Advisor, I am pleased to work with students who embody the traits of NJHS: Service, Leadership, Character, Citizenship, and Scholarship. If your child is in middle school and is hoping for an invitation to join NJHS in the spring, he/she should concentrate on these things: Maintaining an exemplary GPA (3.7 or higher in all academic areas, cumulative throughout middle school) Participating in service and leadership activities both in and out of school Emerging as a leader and positive role model at SMCS
Thank you! Thank you, parents! Your support of your child’s education is truly priceless. I look forward to working with you this year!