Social Studies Chapter 1: Finding Your Way Page 2-17
Why are maps important? Travel Finding your way/sense of direction Rescue History/Discovery Locating What if your GPS doesn’t work?
Lines of Latitude Are drawn east to west to show distances north or south of the equator. The equator divides the globe in half. The greatest distances are 90º north (North Pole) and 90º south (South Pole).
Lines of Longitude Are drawn north to south from pole to pole to show distances east or west of the Prime Meridian. The 0º (Prime Meridian) and the 180º (International Date Line) longitude lines divide our globe in half.
Each degree of longitude and latitude equals 60 minutes. One degree of latitude equals 111 km on the earth’s surface. The distance covered by 1º of longitude varies depending on the distance north or south of the equator.
Location Latitude and longitude lines intersect to make up a set of coordinates. These coordinates give an absolute location of any point on the earth’s surface. (47º 35’ N 52º 40’ W St. John’s) The relative location of a place is not as precise, but it gives a general area. (Halifax is centrally located on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia).
GPS Today we have a Global Positioning system (GPS) to find our location. The GPS communicates with the satellites to find an absolute location and help find locations. A GPS can narrow your absolute location to the second (44º 55’ 666”). The seconds are equal to only a foot or two.
Features from the Air… Physical Features occurs as a result of natural forces such as rivers and valleys. Cultural Features are either made by humans or show the imprint of human activity. (highways, farms, bridges, buildings).
Topographic Maps Can see physical features, cultural features and the elevation or height of the land. Can find location and direction through the use of the grid.
Maps Small-scale maps such as a provincial road map, shows a small amount of detail. Large-scale maps such as a city road map, shows a large amount of detail.
Practice Read Chapter 1 including “Did you know?” Page 4: Work on the 3 questions. Do questions 1 and 4 on page 17.