Tumors of the jaws
Introduction Odontogenic and non-odontogenic tumors of the jaws are a relatively rare and heterogeneous group of benign and malignant neoplasms, hamartomas, and other bone-related lesions that demonstrate great variability in etiology, biologic behavior, and clinical significance.
Oral and maxillofacial cysts Soft tissue cysts : Nasolabial cysts , Sublingual dermoid and dermoid cysts , Thyroglossal cysts , Branchial lymphoepithelial cysts Jaws cysts : Apical or radicular cysts , Non-odontogenic cysts
Nasolabial cysts commonest in the fourth and fifth decades and is more common in females a swelling at the nasal fold become quite large before being detected causing distortion of the alar rim and local resorbtion of the maxilla Treatment is by excision
Sublingual dermoid and dermoid cysts found in the midline beneath the tongue and as far down as the hyoid bone deeply placed and filled with keratin Asymptomatic Treatment is by excision
Thyroglossal cysts arise from the thyroglossal duct present as midline swellings anywhere from the tongue base to the thyroid gland. asymptomatic move on swallowing and protrusion of the tongue Treatment for uncomplicated thyro-glossal cyst is by the Sistrunk procedure
Branchial lymphoepithelial cysts arise from incomplete obliteration of branchial clefts or epithelial inclusions within lymph nodes found in the floor of the mouth and posterior tongue asymptomatic swellings commonest in children and young adults
Jaws cysts Apical or radicular cysts : Odontogenic cysts , Residual cysts , Dentigerous cysts , Odontogenic keratocyst Non-odontogenic cysts : Fissural cysts , Globulomaxillary cysts , Median mandibular cyst , Nasopalatine cysts
Odontogenic cysts commonly found associated with the apex of a tooth arises following the development of periapical granuloma stimulates the cell rests of Malassez
Residual cysts Residual cysts develop from residual periapical infection or from cyst fragments left following extraction of a non-vital tooth similar features to the radicular cyst radiographically are found as isolated, circumscribed, unilocular radiolucent lesions in the alveolar process but without an obvious causative tooth
Dentigerous cysts account for approximately one sixth of dental cysts a fluid-filled expansion of the dental follicle prevents the eruption of the tooth and may even displace the tooth into the jaw The most commonly involved teeth are reported to be the mandibular third molar and maxillary canine