Mr. King Central Cabarrus HS
Which side did the U.S. take? Which side did the U.S. take? France helps U.S. win Revolutionary War French Revolution takes place in 1790s - Louis XIV executed - Jacobins begin Reign of Terror They began a war with Great Britain - expected the help of the U. S. Federalist: Opposed the French - British were our biggest trade partners Dem.-Republicans: Supported the French President Washington: Neutral France vs. England
Why did Thomas Jefferson Why did Thomas Jefferson resign his position? resign his position? Young French diplomat, Edmond Genet, recruits Americans to fight for France This violated U.S. position of neutrality - Angers President Washington Jefferson condemns Genet but still supports France - Federalist call him a radical TJ resigns as Secretary of State Jefferson Resigns Position
Jay’s Treaty 1794 Jay’s Treaty 1794 U.S. wants British out of Northwest Territory British agree to leave forts but stay for fur trade Democratic-Rep. & Federalist argue over British France angry that U.S. makes treaty w/ G.B. Important Treaties
Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 (Also known as San Lorenzo) Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 (Also known as San Lorenzo) Spain owns lands south and west of Georgia, TN U.S. wants lands, shipping rights on Miss. River, access to New Orleans U.S. does not acquire Florida until 1819 Important Treaties
Who did President Washington send to defeat Little Turtle? Who did President Washington send to defeat Little Turtle? N. A. attacking settlers in NW Territory - encouraged by the British Chief Little Turtle dominating the Ohio Valley Pres. Washington sends in Gen. Anthony Wayne to defeat Miami Confederacy 1792: Battle of Fallen Timbers near Toledo, Ohio U.S. wins! … Treaty of Greenville gives natives $20,000 in goods and yearly payment of $10,000 Conflicts with Native Americans
What does he warn the U.S. of? What does he warn the U.S. of? Political fighting convinces Washington to not seek a 3 rd term Farewell Address: - Avoid permanent alliances - Dangers of 2 party system Retires to Mount Vernon - Dies Dec. 14, Riding horse in rain Washington Retires
How does this election in 1796 cause tension? How does this election in 1796 cause tension? John Adams: Federalist Thomas Jefferson: Democratic-Republican Sectionalism: placing one region’s interest over another Adams wins Election of John Adams
Why does the U.S. fight an undeclared war against France? Why does the U.S. fight an undeclared war against France? French Impressment – kidnapping our sailors! President Adams sends delegates to Paris - wants a treaty w/ France French agents, XYZ, meet with U.S. delegates - demand payment of $250,000 to meet with Tallyrand U.S. (Pres. Adams) angry over bribe U.S. prepares for WAR! Quasi War
Why does Congress pass the Alien & Sedition Act in 1798? Why does Congress pass the Alien & Sedition Act in 1798? Federalist fear that Republicans will side with France Refugees from France come to U.S. Congress passes Alien Act - 14 years to be a citizen of U.S. - face deportation Congress passes Sedition Act - fine or imprisonment for saying wrong things about U.S. govt. Result of XYZ Affair
What does the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions argue? What does the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions argue? Jefferson & Madison believe the Sedition Act violates the 1 st Amendment Argue that states have right to nullify unconstitutional laws Result of Alien & Sedition Act