2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt VocabularyJefferson Hodge Podge
Money paid to one country by another in return for protection
the seizing of sailors and forcing them to serve in the British Navy
The place on the continent that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions
Continental Divide
A certificate issued by a government for an amount of money the government promises to pay back, with interest.
As it relates to this chapter, this term means someone who was eager for war with England. It can also mean anyone who is generally in support of wars, even if peaceful alternatives are possible.
War Hawks
Washington often consulted these two members of his Cabinet; they each had opposite views of government, and their beliefs and advice almost always conflicted with the other’s.
Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson
This law, passed while Washington was President, established the Federal Court system underneath the Supreme Court.
Judiciary Act of 1789
This action was an attempt at Rebellion in the western States; it was put down by the new Federal Government, led by Washington himself.
Whiskey Rebellion
This treat was signed between the United States and two Native American tribes where the tribes agreed to give up lands around the Ohio area, and move further west. It also forced the English to leave their forts in the same area.
Treaty of Greenville
In Washington’s Farewell Address, he warned against two actions; these were….
1) The creation of political factions (parties) & 2) Becoming involved in European Affairs.
When Adams was elected President, this man was elected as Vice- President
Thomas Jefferson
This scandal erupted when American diplomats traveled to France to negotiate an end to French Navy attacks against American merchant ships. French ministers demanded a bribe before they would even meet with the American delegation
XYZ Affair
This new law changed the length of time it took to become an American citizen from five years, to fourteen years.
Naturalization Act
These two laws, studied together, authorized the President to detain any aliens deemed dangerous; the other law made it illegal for publishers to print anything which was negative of Congress or the President
Alien Act & Sedition Act
In response to some of the laws passed in Congress, some states pass legislation to allow states to not obey federal laws they disagree with. These types of laws are referred to as
Nullification Laws (Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions)
This court case, which occurred during Jefferson’s Presidency, established the ability of Judicial Review by the Supreme Court.
Marbury v. Madison
The purchase of this territory more than doubled the size of the United States.
Louisiana Territory
Jefferson felt that government should not control all aspects of people’s lives, and wanted the government to be “this” (a French term) with respect to the people
This incident was the first time American military power was projected away from the United States.
The Barbary Wars
This city was the main seaport on the Mississippi River and the focus of the United States’ initial effort to secure trade into the Gulf of Mexico
New Orleans
These were the first two political parties in the United States.
Federalists and Republicans
These two Americans set out from St. Louis to explore the new American territory, and to find the Northwest Passage
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark
During this war, Washington D.C. was raided, and the White House was burned. The President retreated to Ft. McHenry, which the English tried to capture (unsuccessfully).
War of 1812
After Jefferson, this man becomes President of the United States
James Madison
During the War of 1812, the English and Americans also fought for control of the Mississippi River and this body of water.
The Great Lakes (Canada to the North and the United States to the South)
Final Jeopardy Category: President Washington
There are four main accomplishments often attributed to President Washington’s presidency; name as many as you can. The student with the most wins their wager, and the rest will loose theirs.
1. The U.S. had a functioning federal government. 2. The economy was improving. 3. Washington had avoided war. 4. The British had been forced to leave their forts in the NW territory.