Towards competitive European Batteries L.M. Rodriguez-Martinez, I. Villarreal, M. Swierczynski, P. Rodriguez, A. Warnecke, M. Gosso, E. Marckx, G. Jutz, F. Rauscher, J.M. Timmermans
Cell Manufacturer Cell Manufacturer Second Life end user Materials developer R&D institutes OEM FP7- Materials for Green Cars [GC.NMP Grant ] Coordinator: IK4-Ikerlan Budget: 8.4 M€ (EU contribution: 5.8 M€) Duration: September 2013 – August 2016 Towards competitive European Batteries 2
Cell Manufacturer Cell Manufacturer Second Life end user Materials developer R&D institutes OEM FP7- Materials for Green Cars [GC.NMP Grant ] Coordinator: IK4-Ikerlan Budget: 8.4 M€ (EU contribution: 5.8 M€) Duration: September 2013 – August 2016 Towards competitive European Batteries In depth characterisation and modelling for lifetime prediction Competitive high energy cells with improved cycle life Assessment of second life use 3
Overall objectives: Cost-effective chemistries (expected 40% cost reduction in Generation 3 materials) Deep understanding EV lifetime performance -> optimised control strategies and battery size Increase battery residual value through second life applications Reducing cost/kg Increasing kWh/kg Increasing residual value Optimising battery size Optimising control strategies Increasing lifetime Towards a lifetime of 4000 cycles at 80% DOD and 250 Wh/Kg 4
Project structure Project Management ( WP1, IK4-IKERLAN) A 1 geing First life WP4 (RWTH) Modelling WP5 (VUB) Validation WP6 (IK4-Ikerlan) Economic assessment (WP8, AR) Exploitation and dissemination (WP9, EUROBAT) G1 cells G2 cells G3 cells Battery and testing WP3 (Leclanché) A 2 geing Second life WP7 (AR) Improved materials WP2 (UMICORE) 5
Cathode materials development (WP2) Development of novel cathode materials with high energy density and improved cycle life characteristics Gen. 2: High Ni NMC selected; > 90 % capacity retention after 1000 cycles (lab full cells, 1C, 25 °C, V) Upscaling for pilot scale cell manufacturing at Leclanché Evaluation of electrolyte options for high cycle life and low gassing Economic assessment for life cycle analysis and business model 6
Battery development and testing (WP3) Three generations of high energy graphite cells with novel cathodes will be assessed Statistical analysis and Gen. 1 reference baseline G2 materials tested at laboratory level Pilot production of G2 full cells in progress (target: 200 pouch cells, 20 Ah) Standardised battery characterisation test procedure 7
Full cell characterisation with standardised test procedure Beginning of Life (BOL), periodic check-ups, End of Life (EOL) Every test centre has to follow the same test procedures and must report the same information Enhanced comparability and reduced experimental variability among centres Cell reception Cell connections Beginning of Life Cell ready for next tests Storage Nomenclature Cycle life ageing (C-rate, T, DoD, SoC) Cycle life ageing (C-rate, T, DoD, SoC) Calendar life ageing (SOC, T) Calendar life ageing (SOC, T) Extreme conditions (extreme T, SoC, DoD, abuse) Modelling Real life profiles and dynamic validations End of Life Periodic check- ups every 100 FEC or every 4 weeks 8 Battery development and testing (WP3)
Battery and testing Short nameAvailable BOL tests TOTAL146 Statistical analysis reference G1 cells 9
10 Min. Cap. (Partner 1) = Ah Max. Cap. (Partner 3) = Ah Average Cap. G1 among all partners: Ah Maximun error among partners 0.95% Maximum experimental error of 2.20% (according to IEC ) Battery and testing Ageing First life WP4 Currently, more than 240 cells under testing Modelling WP5 Validation WP6 Ageing second life WP7
First life ageing (WP4) Calendar, cycle and extreme conditions test matrices have been defined and distributed among partners (including effect of charging type and abusive tests) Post-mortem analysis started with fresh cells 11 Cycle life ageing (C-rate, T, DoD, SoC) Cycle life ageing (C-rate, T, DoD, SoC) Calendar life ageing (SOC, T) Calendar life ageing (SOC, T) Extreme conditions (extreme T, SoC, DoD, abuse) Running tests
Modelling (WP5) Thermal model Lifetime prediction (WP6) Accelerated ageing tests 12 Electrical modelElectrochemical model Initial post-mortem Specific characterisation measurements Models validation Ageing model (calendar and cycle) Identification of mechanisms causing degradation and limiting performance and lifetime Identification of main impact factors Definition of optimum operating range and control strategies
Validation (WP6) How accurately can the lifetime model predict the SOH of cells aged with accelerated profiles different than those used for the model development ? “A novel approach for Li-ion battery selection and lifetime prediction” [E. Sarasketa-Zabala, Ph.D Thesis, 2014] E. Sarasketa-Zabala et al., Validation of the methodology for lithium-ion batteries lifetime prognosis, EVS27, 2013, Barcelona, Spain Validation of the lifetime model itself Validation of the methodology for the development of the lifetime model Reduced testing time with reliable methods Individual validation of the calendar and cycling ageing models 13 (WP5) Is the lifetime model developed from accelerated ageing tests able to predict degradation in real operating conditions ? Comparison between obtained results Accelerated real profiles Real Profiles Accelerated dynamic validation 1 to 3 Steps may be required
Validation (WP6) Methodology and profiles defined and distributed between partners All tests initiated Standardisation and harmonisation of test procedures ongoing WP9 Exploitation and dissemination (EUROBAT) 14
Use of second life batteries for the following two applications Renewable energy integration Residential application Residential applicationRenewable energy integration Firming Filtering Power backup Cost reduction Second life ageing (WP7) 15
Second life ageing (WP7) Challenges: Minimize the size of storage systems considering an economic profit and limiting the ageing of the batteries. Provide the grid services required under these constraints. Objectives: To design a methodology to optimize the size of storage systems. To design cycling patterns for second life ageing analysis. 16
Economic assessment (WP8) Cost model and LCA Two business models: EV batteries & EV batteries + second life use Safety and environmental issues 17
Dissemination and exploitation (WP9) First annual exploitation plan completed Strong dissemination effort with high focus in test standardisation Internal ongoing standardisation: Battery connections Test characterisation procedures (BOL, CU, EOL..) Safe storage between tests First life ageing Modelling Lifetime validation methodology Methodology for battery second life uses Second life ageing Transportation of used batteries Identified external needs: Battery connections Lifetime validation methodology Methodology for battery second life uses Second life ageing Transportation of used batteries 18
Expected impacts: Competitive G2 & G3 batteries in terms of cycle stability and cost Deep understanding of ageing Reliable and efficient lifetime prediction Optimised testing methodology Viability assessment of battery second life uses 19
Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Visit us: or Contact us: Thanks to ALL Batteries2020 partners for a great joint work