SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN EMPOWERMENT, ADVOCACY AND KNOWLEDGE! The Disability Experience Engaging Communities, Promoting Understanding
University Center for Excellence in Disability Education, Research and Service The Disability Experience discussion format was developed in 2008 by a team at the Institute for Human Development.
OUR GOAL To increase understanding of people with disabilities, and to promote positive attitudes and action beyond awareness.
WHAT WE DO The Disability Experience Team facilitates candid discussions about disability between people who have disabilities and community groups. Examples of community groups might be: Community Service Organizations Schools Business/Non-Profits Churches
Warning: The Disability Experience is NOT a training! TRAINING probably won’t change attitudes. WHAT WE DO
When people communicate attitudes start to change! WHAT WE DO
In this 2-way DISCUSSION the audience and the facilitators all share their thoughts on topics like: WHAT WE DO Perceptions about people with disabilities We’re more alike than different-we all use “supports” to get through each day Disability etiquette
WE BELIEVE All people deserve a chance to participate and contribute to their communities.
WE BELIEVE People with disabilities are just like everyone else. It’s the support they need that is different.
WE KNOW It’s not about ramps or parking spaces.
WE KNOW It’s about attitude.
WE KNOW People who don’t understand or are fearful of disability may have negative attitudes toward people with disabilities. Negative attitudes people with disabilities with limited opportunity to establish friendships, get jobs, or participate in their communities. =
When people communicate attitudes start to change! WE KNOW
Your group can use The Disability Experience discussion to set the stage for changing attitudes in your community. THE DISABILITY EXPERIENCE DISCUSSION
Your group can use the Disability Experience discussion as a tool to build relationships with your community. THE DISABILITY EXPERIENCE DISCUSSION
Your group can make The Disability Experience discussion your own. Give the discussion a name that you choose! THE DISABILITY EXPERIENCE DISCUSSION
NOW YOU TRY Please try out this simple exercise of asking yourself or your organization the following questions. Is the Disability Experience discussion a tool you might want to use?
1. What events in your life empowered you to work on changing attitudes and perceptions? Are you comfortable sharing about them? 2. What steps could you take to change perceptions and attitudes about people with disabilities in your community? Step 1 3. How could we change attitudes and perceptions about disability with social networking?
Step 2 1. How do you talk to people in the community about disability? 2. As a disability organization are you partnering with any community organizations? 4. What do you see as the greatest barrier to building and keeping partnerships with community organizations? 3. Why should you partner with community organizations?
2. Do you do any trainings on disability awareness? 1. What are you doing for outreach? Step 3 3. Is your group interested in learning about how to facilitate DISCUSSIONS about attitude instead of doing the usual training on disability awareness?
Step 4 1.If you are in Arizona your group can request in-person training on making The Disability Experience discussion your own tool for starting attitude change in your community through the SPEAK project. Contact: 2. For everyone, the power point slides that our Disability Experience Team to guide our discussions are online at: REMEMBER they are only a guide. Each Disability Experience discussion is a DISCUSSION and every one is different!
You can comment on the blog section with questions and ideas to share. THE DISABILITY EXPERIENCE