Human Resources The Business of the Church: Best Practices for Human Resource Management
Human Resources A. Catholic Mutual Group “Best Practices” DVD
Human Resources B. FLSA – Fair Labor Standards Act Law since 1930’s Pay overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 hrs/week Determine “hourly” vs. “salaried” No such thing as a “church exemption”!! No such thing as a “salaried” secretary, custodian or hot lunch cook!!!
Human Resources B. FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act Up to now, “salaried” employee had to earn at minimum $455/week ($23,660/yr) Dept of Labor proposal to raise minimum to $970/week or $50,440/year
Human Resources B. FLSA – Compliance? In order to remain salaried, must be paid weekly minimum and perform job duties of an exempt employee. Our Choices? Raise salaried staff to meet new minimums Reclassify salaried as “non- exempt” (hourly)
Human Resources B. FLSA We will notify you when the regs have been finalized Will give you the effective date for compliance (60 days notice)
Human Resources C. Hiring – New employee paperwork needed: 1. Application form/resume 2. Job description 3. I-9, W-4, etc. Use your checklist!!
Job Descriptions
Checklist for New Employees
C. “Time Off” Recordkeeping
“Time Off” Recordkeeping Continue to see locations that do not record time off!! Not good Stewardship!!
Terminations Performance issues – Document, document, document – can’t have too much!! Warning(s) should give the employee a timeframe in which to improve Be very clear regarding consequences if correction is not made! Remember: prior to any termination, you must call me or Royce (or an attorney); your liability coverage will not be in force if you don’t!
Thank you for coming!! Have a Safe Trip Home!!