FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 1 1 Tracker calibration for curved sensors (brief overview) V. Karimäki FinnCMS meeting Helsinki
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 2 1 Effect of curved sensor shape Q: track impact point at planar sensor P: true impact point at curved sensor near the true hit position Q': point where our flat detector model assumes the hit lies u = correction in precise coordinate v = correction in second coordinate (needed for pixels?) w = a*uu + b*uv + c*vv 2nd order parameterization of curved surface a,b,c = coefficients of curvature
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 3 1 Curvature coefficients can be fitted Track direction (t 1,t 2,t 3 ) Track impact coordinate u_t Corrected u-coordinates: u_c = u - (t 1 /t 3 )*(a*uu + b*uv + c*vv) Minimize sum of squared residuals (u_c - u_t)^2 and fit (a,b,c)
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 4 1 Sensor curvature can be studied model independent sensor shape by plotting mean residuals weighted with (t 3 /t 1 ) as a function of u,v
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 5 1 Verification with Monte Carlo Parameterized surface Fitted surface
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 6 1 Model independent surface shape By plotting weighted uncorrected mean residuals
FinCMS Dec 19, 2008 V.Karimäki, Sensor shapes 7 1 Summary By simple Monte Carlo: Demonstrated method to fit sensor shape Method to correct hit positions Demonstrated model independent way to look for possible sensor curvature Next: Do analysis with cosmics first: model independent study