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BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Entire Course BUS 311 Week 1 DQ 1 Applying the Law to a Set of Facts BUS 311 Week 1 DQ 1 Applying the Law to a Set of Facts BUS 311 Week 1 DQ 2 Tort or Crime BUS 311 Week 1 Quiz BUS 311 Week 2 DQ 1 Elements of a Contract BUS 311 Week 2 DQ 2 The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). BUS 311 Week 2 Assignment Critical Analysis Paper Applying the Law to a Set of Facts. Read the Hypothetical Case Problem #1 at the end of Chapter 1 and respond to these questions 1. If Javier sued Energy-Auto Inc., identify who would be the plaintiff and the defendant. 2. In which state or states can the suit be brought? 3. Assume that Javier incurred $100,000 in damages.
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 1 DQ 2 Tort or CrimeBUS 311 Week 1 Quiz Applying the Law to a Set of Facts. Read the Hypothetical Case Problem #1 at the end of Chapter 1 and respond to these questions 1. If Javier sued Energy-Auto Inc., identify who would be the plaintiff and the defendant. 2. In which state or states can the suit be brought? 3. Assume that Javier incurred $100,000 in damages. 1. Question : If a state enacted a law that made it illegal to sing the national anthem of other countries, such a law would violate the ______ of the U.S. Constitution. 2. Question : Which of the following is NOT a court of limited jurisdiction? 3. Question : Congress’s authority to make laws prohibiting discrimination in employment comes from the
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 2 Assignment Critical Analysis Paper BUS 311 Week 2 DQ 1 Elements of a Contract Critical Analysis Paper. Give an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (for example, rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease—car, home, furniture, etc.; home or car repair, student loan agreement). Apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract to your example and answer the following questions. Elements of a Contract. Read the Case Campbell Soup Co. v. Wentz in the text. Answer the following questions: 1. What were the terms of the contract between Campbell and the Wentzes? 2. Did the Wentzes perform under the contract? 3. Did the court find specific performance to be an adequate legal remedy in this case?
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 2 DQ 2 The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)BUS 311 Week 2 Quiz The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Read the Ace Heating and Cooling scenario in your text and answer the following questions: a. Under UCC 2-302, who has the best chance of getting out of the contract due to unconsionability? b. The symbol for justice features a woman wearing a blindfold illustrating that the law should be applied the same way regardless of who the parties are. 1. Question : Katrina is complaining to her landlord about the six-inch long cockroaches in her apartment. The landlord scoffs, saying: “Cockroaches don’t get that big! I'll pay $10,000 to anyone who can show me a six-inch cockroach.” Will, a bug collector, overhears and promptly presents the landlord with his prize six-inch South American cockroach. The landlord refuses to pay, and Will sues. Which of the following best describes the situation?
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 3 DQ 1 Employment at Will BUS 311 Week 3 DQ 2 A Principal’s Responsibility for the Actions of Their Agent Employment-at Will. Should the law allow an employer to fire an employee without a good reason? Conduct research to provide examples to support your position and use your own personal employment experiences when possible. Have you observed situations where an employee was fired? Did the employer give a reason? Do you believe the employer’s actions were legal? A Principal’s Responsibility for the Actions of Their Agent. Karen is shopping at Big Mart. She has with her an umbrella which is the same brand Big Mart carries. When a Big Mart employee, Steve, sees her leave with the umbrella without going through the checkout lane, he asks her to come back into the store. Steve says that he thinks Karen is shoplifting the umbrella.
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 3 Final Paper Prep BUS 311 Week 3 Journal Your Experiences Final Paper Prep. Review the assignment requirements for the Final Paper in Week 5. In a one to two page APA-formatted paper address the following: 1. Thesis statement 2. Topic of your paper 3. Outline the major headings Reflect for a moment on your ideas prior to taking this class about contracts, legal reasoning, or employment law. Has your understanding of these subjects changed or have your prior beliefs about these issues been confirmed? Will concepts learned in this class have a practical application in your personal or professional life? Why or why not?
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 3 Quiz BUS 311 Week 4 DQ 1 Real, Intellectual, and Personal Property 1. Question : The United States has laws that prevent an employer from terminating employees without due cause. 2. Question : Peter owns an auto dealership. Peter hires Cara as a receptionist, Ben as a salesperson, Stacy as a mechanic, and the “Clean as a Whistle Co.” to come in at night and clean the premises. Which situation is LEAST likely to result in liability for Peter? Real, Intellectual, and Personal Property. List two characteristics each of real, intellectual, and personal property. Do owners of real, intellectual, and personal property each have the same rights under the law? List how each type of property is treated under the law. Explain why it is in the best interest of society to treat these types of property the same or differently.
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 4 DQ 2 Business Ethics BUS 311 Week 4 Journal Business Ethics Business Ethics. Read the article Governance in the Spotlight: What Sarbanes Oxley means to You. In this article the author outlines provisions companies are now required to implement. Consider the requirements imposed by Sarbanes Oxley on corporate boards of directors. Do small businesses and privately held companies have ethical duties? If so, to whom would they owe this duty? Employees? Customers? Vendors? BUS 311 Week 4 Journal Business Ethics Reflect upon the ethical requirements imposed on businesses by the law and society. Sarbanes Oxley was enacted in response to widespread ethics violations. Do publicly traded companies owe ethical duties to their investors beyond making a profit? In the business world, is there a difference between what is fair and what is ethical?
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 4 Multimedia activity Business OrganizationBUS 311 Week 4 Quiz Multimedia activity: Business Organization. DeAngelis, M. (2012, February 15). Business Entities. Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Accessed via: com/2012/02/business-entities.html com/2012/02/business-entities.html List the general requirements of an LLC, partnership and corporation. Find an example of a business organization that is an LLC. 1. Question : Kevin and Emily own a house as joint tenants. If Kevin dies, Emily will own 2. Question : The power of the government to regulate what use real property may be used for is known as 3. Question : Which of the following is a partnership?
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 5 DQ 1 Intellectual Property and Technology BUS 311 Week 5 DQ 2 The Global Marketplace Intellectual Property and Technology. Internet domain names are linked to trademark issues. Technology makes it easy to copy and distribute music and movies without paying royalties. Business conducted on the internet raise security and privacy issues. What legal concerns are raised by these issues? Predict which of these issues will be of major concern in the future in regard to the law and business practices. The Global Marketplace. How do governments attempt to control foreign businesses operating within their borders? When U.S. companies do business in other countries, what issues do they face? Describe the responsibilities and ethical concerns that you feel are important for U.S. companies to consider when doing business in other countries
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com BUS 311 Week 5 Final Research Paper Ready Aim Fire At Will Employment The Final Research Paper should address a topic that is connected to the content of this course (elements and requirements of a valid contract; issues related to real and personal property; intellectual property; employment law; and/or, international law and the global marketplace.) This paper should focus on a legal issue or situation that relates to a business environment or activity with a focus on the legal impact technology has on this issue.
BUS 311 Slingshot Academy / bus311mentor.com bus311mentor.com For More Tutorials