Monitoring & Evaluation
What? Campaign monitoring is a step-by-step analysis of how the campaign is progressing against milestones previously defined in the campaign strategy, addressing obstacles that arise and making adjustments if and when needed. Campaign evaluation occurs periodically during the life of the campaign. It allows the team to assess whether the campaign is indeed achieving its medium term objectives and, in the case of final evaluation, its long term objectives. It entails more in-depth learning and re-strategizing as needed. 2
Monitoring identifies changes in power structures, allies and opponents, and even in the problem itself. Campaigners must be prepared to adjust their advocacy campaign action plan, even while the campaign is underway, to reflect the results of the evaluation. Monitoring is a vital part of advocacy work. It is a means to learn from mistakes, justify expenditure, ensure accountability and share experiences with others. Why? 3
Scheduling reviews into the life cycle of an advocacy activity ensures flexibility. The advocacy work can be adjusted to take into account internal and external events, changes in the policy climate, and lessons learned about the efficacy of particular techniques or approaches. Reviews and evaluations provide an opportunity to involve the stakeholder group, perhaps in a more significant way than simple monitoring. This can contribute to capacity building. Why? (2) 4
How? Success indicators: how will you know the campaign has achieved its objectives? What are the changes that you will be able to observe? Means of verification: how can you prove these changes have occurred? Details of how and when the campaign plan will be revised. 5
Drafting the monitoring and evaluation framework at the right moment ensures useful monitoring and evaluation will be implemented. Just before the campaign activity plan is developed, taking into consideration the campaign objectives. Not after campaign activities have started or at the end of the project. When? 6
For a good assessment… Projects or programs must have: -Clear objectives (SMART) -Clear and accurate indicators -Clear identified targets -Clear and strong stakeholders analysis It will be almost impossible to track progress if objectives are vague. 7
Monitoring & evaluation framework 8 Yearly objectivesIndicators of successMeans of verification Increase the capacity of CSO’s to ensure that 70% of legislative processes at state national and regional levels receive CSO consultation by Increase CSO’s consultations in the legislative process by 60%. # of legislative processes influenced by CSO input Policies and legislative documents Increase CSO’s consultations in the legislative process by 50%. # of CSOs making their voices heard and contributions taken into account Statements of CSOs actors Statements of Increase CSO’s consultations in the legislative process by 40%. # of CSOs pushing for increased participation Presence of CSOs at key events Train 50 CBO’s across the country Increase CSO’s consultation in legislative process by 30%. # of CSOs interested and active in the legislative process Quality of CSOs input in legislative processes CSOs issued statements, research and policy documents Increase CSO’s consultation in legislative process by 20%. # of times CSOs working on legislative advocacy invited to input in process CSO reports
Monitoring & evaluation framework (2) 9 ObjectiveYearly objectivesIndicators of successMeans of verification Improve the capacity and competence of legislative aides, relevant committees, staff and members in law-making skills, oversight, representation and constituencies outreach by – Improve the capacity of staff committee documentation, research, report writing and office management. Availability of documentation when needed Clarity of processes Fluidity in handling of requests Surveys Improve Legislative Aides communication and capacity in people and public interface skills. Quality of public interventions of legislative aides Access of the public to legislative info Statements Public interventions Media 2013 –Improve legislator’s skills overseeing MDA functions & constituency representation. Level of access of constituencies to the representatives Public opinion Media Legislative skills building in the areas of anti- corruption, appropriation, agriculture, budget, gender & MDG’s through trainings, workshops, short courses and mentoring. Quality of law and policies Level with which legislators follow up on implementation of policies Level of interests of legislators in the various issues Policy documents Public opinion Media
Monitoring & evaluation framework (3) 10 ObjectiveYearly objectivesIndicators of successMeans of verification Hold the legislature accountable for their compliance with law making, oversight representation and outreach by Establish legislature of accountability and performance as major issues for elections and political campaigning. Election debates around accountability and performance # of times a legislator responds to a request for accountability Media Statements of candidates Increased the quality and quantity on non-state actors with the capacity to engage legislators and hold them accountable. # of NGOs holding legislators accountable Frequency of CSOs documents targeted at legislators CSO documents Media Establish a mechanism for feedback, tracking and reporting of legislator’s compliance with law making, over-seeing, representation and outreach. Existence of a monitoring mechanism # of stakeholders (CSOs and legislators) that engage with the mechanism MOU or legal statuses of the mechanism Periodic reports of the use of the mechanism Develop a platform for constituencies to engage parliament and be able to influence as well as hold them accountable. # of legislators that participate in the meetings Level of participation in the meetings of constituencies Lists of presence Minutes
11 ObjectivesYearly/Periodic objectives Indicators of success Means of verification Objective Objective 2July 2015 January 2015 September 2014 Objective