Respect Responsibility Honesty
1. Welcome and HSC Requirements and Overview Mr. A Gokel (Deputy Principal) 2. TAFE Courses Ms M Ibrahim (Careers Advisor) 3. Advice about Web Choices Online Mr Gokel 4. Subject Fair - Advice about courses.....Head Teachers
The Higher School Certificate is the culmination of a student’s school career is the highest educational award that can be achieved at secondary school in New South Wales reports student achievement in terms of a standard achieved in individual courses presents a profile of student achievement across a broad range of subjects THE HSC
All courses in the HSC have a unit value Most courses are 2 units which equates to 120 hours of study and an HSC result out of 100 Some courses are 1 unit. This is equivalent to 60 hours of study and a HSC result out of 50 Many 1 unit courses are extension courses, enabling 3 or 4 units of a course to be studied
Preliminary Course minimum of 12 units students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary course before commencing the corresponding HSC course HSC Course minimum of 10 units
Board Developed CoursesBoard Endorsed Courses HSC examination (except for Life Skills courses) may be included in the calculation of a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) includes some Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses includes Life Skills courses no HSC examination – school-based assessment only not included in the calculation of a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) includes some Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses
Category A CoursesCategory B Courses may be included in the calculation of a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) compulsory HSC examination no more than 2 units of Category B courses can be included in the calculation of a student’s ATAR optional HSC examination include VET Curriculum Framework Courses and have compulsory work placement
Both the Preliminary and HSC pattern of study must include: 2 units of compulsory English at least 6 units of Board Developed Courses at least 3 courses of 2 units value or greater at least 4 subjects (including English) A maximum of 6 units of Science may be included in each of the Preliminary and HSC pattern of study.
Students must: follow the course developed or endorsed by BOSTES apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school, and achieve some or all of the course outcomes VET Board Developed Courses require students to complete mandatory work placement SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF A COURSE
Students must: complete HSC assessment tasks that contribute in excess of 50 per cent of available marks in courses where internal assessment marks are submitted, and sit for and make a serious attempt at any requisite Higher School Certificate examinations for a course ADDITIONAL COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS FOR HSC COURSES
Eligibility criteria apply to language courses: Beginners Continuers Heritage (Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean) Background Speakers (Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean) Extension courses are available for some Continuers courses
Preliminary English Extension Mathematics Extension HSC English Extension 1 English Extension 2 Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 History Extension Music Extension Extension courses are also available for selected Languages and VET courses
Life Skills Courses are designed for a small percentage of students with special education needs. Life Skills Courses: have Board Developed Course status contribute to the attainment of the HSC do not have HSC examinations and so do not contribute to the calculation of an ATAR
Package/endorse VET qualifications for HSC unit credit Board Developed VET courses ◦ Stage 6 Industry Curriculum Frameworks Courses may be available to: ◦ all students ◦ school-based trainees only ◦ school-based apprentices only
Board Developed HSC VET syllabus based on nationally endorsed Training Package(s) −lists which qualifications and units of competency have been included in the HSC syllabus −describes how units of competency are arranged into HSC VET courses includes HSC outcomes and content has an HSC examination −provides access to ATAR pathway has a mandatory work placement
HospitalityRetail Services
HSC: All My Own Work is a mandatory program designed to help HSC students to follow the principles and practices of good scholarship. It consists of five modules: Scholarship Principles and Practices Acknowledging Sources Plagiarism Copyright Working with Others HSC: ALL MY OWN WORK
HSC RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT Most BDC HSC courses listed with Assessment Mark, Examination Mark, HSC Mark and Performance Band All Preliminary and Stage 5 courses will be on separate certificates
Internal Assessment 50%
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR): is for students wishing to gain a place at a university is a rank NOT a mark provides information about how a student performs overall in relation to other students
Satisfactory completion of: at least 10 units of Board Developed Courses including 2 units of English at least 4 Board Developed Courses at least 8 units of Category A courses No more than 2 units of Category B courses will be used when calculating an ATAR
BOSTES NSW Examination + Assessment Mark Mark Universities Admissions Centre Scaled 2 units of English + next best 8 units ATAR The scaled mark for each course is based on the quality of the candidates in that course in that year ATAR ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Does the school I attend matter? No. The school attended does not feature in the ATAR calculation. The ATAR calculation is based only on marks provided by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW; no other information is used.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Does my postcode matter? No. Are certain courses always ‘scaled down’? No. Scaling is carried out afresh each year: if the quality of the candidature changes, the scaled mean will also change. Is it true that if I study this course I can’t get a high ATAR? No. There are students in every course who achieve high ATARs.
Student B English – Advanced Maths Ext 1 and Ext ll Chemistry Food Technology Physics
Student A English – Advanced, Ext 1, Ext ll Legal Studies Modern History Society and Culture
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why can’t I use my HSC marks to check the calculation of my ATAR? There are two reasons. The first is the ATAR is a rank that indicates your position in relation to other students, it is not an average mark. Secondly raw marks are used in the calculation of the ATAR not the aligned HSC marks. I have similar HSC marks to my friend, but we don’t have similar ATARs. Why not? Your ATARs would be similar if your courses were the same.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Do I get a better ATAR if I study more units? This is a common question. While the data show that students who study more units tend to gain higher ATARs, determining causality is difficult. The relationship between number of units studied and ATAR might result from personal attributes including interest, motivation, effort and time management. You cannot assume that simply by studying more units your ATAR will be increased.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Which course should I study? Do not choose courses on the basis of what you believe are the likely effects of scaling. Choice of which courses to study should be determined only by your interests, your demonstrated abilities and the value of courses for your future career plans. The scaling process is designed to allow students to choose according to these principles and not, as far as university selection is concerned, be disadvantaged by their choice. It treats all students on their merits.
Abilities Interests/Motivation Career aspirations and needs Syllabus requirements - Practical/Major work components Subject combinations Other commitments
What do I want for my future? What ‘pathway’ best suits me? Ask for advice from: −teachers −parents −Year adviser −careers adviser −students in Years 11 and 12
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