Preinjectors Status D. Raparia January 26, 2016 Time Meeting
EBIS Status EBIS running stably Au with 6, or 8 pulses Rotary target working stably at slow rate D. Raparia
Linac Status Linac running in good condition for BLIP at 117 MeV and 152-138 uA with raster Linac ran for BLIP ran during the snow storm Due to 7835 tube in mod 3 , beam current is reduced We will change this tube tomorrow (2.5-3 Hrs) D. Raparia
Average Current for BLIP RF Mod 2 8616 Raster magnet RF (RFQ, Mod1, Mod5) PQ49 D. Raparia
J. Nelepa D. Raparia
Beamline Location 21’ 14’ plunging harp plunging harp (opposite side) 6.50” collimator bellows (3x) raster magnet steering magnets (existing, 2x) 4.00” collimator plunging harp (opposite side) laser profile monitor beam current transformers (2x) beam position monitor beryllium window (existing) aluminum bellows (existing)