MIGRANT EDUCATION PROGRAM San Gabriel Valley Consortium Joyce J. Diaz, Coordinator Clotilde Ortiz, Recruiter
What is the Migrant Education Program? Initiated in 1965 and reauthorized in 2001 by NCLB Federal Program, Title I, Part C LA County Office of Education
Migrant Education Program Purpose Goal is to ensure migrant students: –reach high academic standards –graduate with a high school diploma/high school equivalency –are prepared for responsible citizenship, college or career Supplemental Services: –Educational –Nutrition –Health –Parent Involvement
The SGV Consortium Includes 5 Districts Baldwin Park Unified Duarte Unified Hacienda La Puente Unified Pomona Unified Rowland Unified
SGVC Migrant Student Enrollment 200 Students
What Services Does the SGV Consortium Offer? Support in Language Arts and Math - After-School Classes -Saturday Classes -Summer School Field Trips –Ocean Institute, Dana Point, Los Angeles Zoo, Rileys Farm, IMAX Theater, Legoland
MESR (Migrant Ed. School Readiness) Literacy program for preschoolers and their families Service providers from LACOE visit homes and work with the parent and preschooler Saturday classes in Pomona
Health & Nutrition Free School Lunch!! Free Health Services Vision Dental
Migrant Mini-Corps Program College Tutors assistant teachers with migrant students in the classroom Free tutoring for migrant students
College Access Programs College Visits and Over-Night Stays –Leadership Institute, Cal State Long Beach –PACE, UC Riverside –Leadership Institute, Cal State Channel Islands College Workshops and Conferences –Adelante Young Men –Adelante Mujer Latina College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) –Support for students at the university
Parent Involvement Consortium PAC Regional PAC Parent Ed. Workshops Parent Conferences/Leadership Institutes
AGRICULTURE FISHING DAIRY FORESTRY How Do Students Qualify for Migrant Ed? Agricultural work within the past 3 years Children moved with the worker Seasonal or Temporary
Examples of Qualifying Jobs Packing –Process, store, freeze, can, pack fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Fishing –Catch, sort, pack, transport fish or shellfish Dairy/Farm/Ranch/Livestock –Milk cows, feed cattle, transport animals, raise farm animals or sale of their products such as milk, cheese and eggs for family support Nursery –plant, grow, cultivate, harvest trees
Migrant Education Program Staff Mrs. Joyce J. Diaz, Administrator (Office) (Cell) Mrs. Clotilde Ortiz, Recruiter (Office) (Cell)