The Process of Acquiring Knowledge in Mathematics for Grade 3 Pupils By: Geonzon, Tiffany Ivana J. Torres, Georgia B.
Unit Summary Children learn to read and write, they continue to improve their cognitive skills for them to be more purposeful and deliberate. The children will be given enough opportunity and activities for them to enhance the skills needed to develop. Thus, this unit will help students to enhance their cognitive level through different activities that will develop their attention and memory skills.
Goals for the Pupils Develop an adequate knowledge base of the general and specific information in the subject matter. Develop a pattern of attributing both success and failure to the effectiveness of their efforts. Enhance their capability in solving complex numbers.
21 st Century Skills Self-Direction Accountability and Adaptability Problem Identification, Formulation, and Solution Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking Social Responsibility
Curriculum-Framing Questions ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How important is Mathematics in our Life? UNIT QUESTION: When should you apply the different mathematical computations to the society?
CONTENT QUESTIONS: What are the four different mathematical operations? What are the meanings of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
Assessment Timeline The students will begin in: Group Activities Social Interaction (getting to know each other activity) Notes K-W-L Chart (introduction to the different operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
Assessment Timeline Students work on projects and complete tasks by: Taking down notes Exercises (solving mathematical operations, assignments) Drills and Practices (seatwork, board work during and after the discussion Observation Check-list
After project work is completed: Notes Projects (involving the different operations in mathematics. K-W-L chart
Assessment Summary Assessing the students by giving them different activities and quizzes that will possibly cater their needs; and improve their cognitive skills. Individual activities and board works are ways that could enhance their needs. At the end of the quarter, the students will be given quarter exams for us to know in what topic they will excel.
Unit Details Prerequisite Skills: Add, Subtract, Multiply and divide real numbers up to 2 digits Multiply number to 12 Ordering numbers and Rounding Off Numbers Use place value to Able to use an expanded form of numbers Make use of the order operations: MDAS