Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map By the end of each grade level, students will be able to: Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Pitch Exploration High/Low Pitches (1.1, 1.5) Singing Independently (1.1) Sing in Groups (1.5) Responding to the cues of a conductor (1.5) Solfa: do, re, mi(1.1, 1.5) Differentiation of Head/Chest Voice (1.1, 1.5) Solfa: pentatonic scale - do, re, mi, sol, la (1.1, 1.5) Solfa: diatonic scale – do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do (1.1, 1.5)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map By the end of each grade level, students will be able to: Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Song Fragments Solo Singing while maintaining accurate intonation, steady tempo, rhythmic accuracy, appropriately produced timbre. (1.1) Singing expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation (1.2) Sing from memory a variety of songs representing diverse cultures and historical periods (1.3) Sing in groups, blending vocal timbres, dynamic levels, and responding to the cues of the conductor (1.5) Solo Singing while maintaining proper posture (1.1) Solo Singing while maintaining accurate diction (1.1)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map By the end of each grade level, students will be able to: Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Simple Songs Solo Singing while maintaining accurate intonation, steady tempo, rhythmic accuracy, appropriately produced timbre. (1.1) Singing expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation (1.2) Sing from memory a variety of songs representing diverse cultures and historical periods (1.3) Sing in groups, blending vocal timbres, dynamic levels, and responding to the cues of the conductor (1.5) Solo Singing while maintaining proper posture (1.1) Solo Singing while maintaining accurate diction (1.1) Sing rounds with and without accompaniment (1.4) Sing ostinatos, partner songs, and simple two- part songs, with and without accompaniment (1.4)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map By the end of each grade level, students will be able to: Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Arioso/Impro visation and Composition Solo Singing while maintaining accurate intonation, steady tempo, rhythmic accuracy, appropriately produced timbre, diction, and posture (1.1) Singing expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation (1.2) Improvise answers in the same style given to melodic phrases (4.1) Improvise answers in the same style given to rhythmic phrases (4.1) Improvise and compose simple rhythmic variations and simple embellishments on familiar melodies (4.3) Improvise and compose simple rhythmic and melodic ostinato accompaniments (4.2) Improvise and compose short vocal and instrumental melodies using a variety of sound sources, including traditional sounds, non- traditional sounds available in the classroom, body sounds such as clapping, and sounds produced by electronic means. (4.4) Create and arrange short songs and instrumental pieces within teacher-specified guidelines (4.5)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map By the end of each grade level, students will be able to: Kindergarten Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Movement Exploration Perceive and respond to basic elements of music, including beat, meter, tempo, pitch, dynamics, and form (5.1) Respond with purposeful movement to specific musical occurrences (5.5)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map Supplement: Songs and activities by grade (following First Steps Model) Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Movement Form/Expre ssion Perceive and respond to basic elements of music, including beat, meter, tempo, pitch, dynamics, and form (5.1) Respond with purposeful movement to specific musical occurrences (5.5)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map Supplement: Songs and activities by grade (following First Steps Model) Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Beat Motions: Steady Beat/ Meter- Instrument Work Perceive and respond to basic elements of music, including beat, meter (duple vs triple), and tempo. (5.1) Play independently with steady tempo and appropriate technique. (3.1) Perform in groups responding to cues of conductor. (3.5) Demonstrate and respond to the beat. (2.1) Perform independent instrumental parts while other students sing or play contrasting parts (3.6) Demonstrate and respond to the beat and division of the beat into groups of 2s or 3s. (2.1) Echo and perform easy rhythmic, melodic patterns accurately and independently on rhythmic and melodic classroom instruments (3.4) Demonstrate and respond to the beat and division of the beat: meters 2/4 and 6/8 (2.1) Play from memory and written notation a varied repertoire representing genres and styles from diverse cultures and historical periods (3.3) Echo and perform easy chordal patterns accurately and independently on harmonic classroom instruments (3.4) Demonstrate and respond to the beat and division of the beat: previous meters and 4/4 (2.1) Play expressively, with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and articulation, and interpretation (3.2) Demonstrate and respond to the beat and division of the beat 3/4. (2.1)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map Supplement: Songs and activities by grade (following First Steps Model) Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Notation N/AQuarter Note, Quarter Rest (2.1, 2.4) Melodic Highs and Lows (2.2) Beamed Eighth Notes, Half Note (2.1, 2.4) Identify symbols and traditional terms referring to dynamics and interpret them correctly when performing. (2.3) Eighth Rest, Unbeamed Eighth Notes, Half Rest, Dotted Quarter, Dotted Half Notes (2.1, 2.4) Read melodic notation in the treble staff. (2.2) Identify symbols and traditional terms referring to tempo and interpret them correctly when performing. (2.3) Whole Notes, Whole Rests, Sixteenth Notes (2.1, 2.4) Identify symbols and traditional terms referring to articulation and interpret them correctly when performing. (2.3)
Chelmsford Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department K-4 Music Curriculum Map Supplement: Songs and activities by grade (following First Steps Model) Kindergarte n Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 Songtales & Critical Listening Demonstrate audience skills of listening attentively and responding appropriately in classroom and performance settings (5.6) Identify the sounds of a variety of instruments, including many orchestra and band instruments, and instruments from various cultures, as well as children’s voices and male and female adult voices. (5.4) Use appropriate terminology in describing music, music notation, music instruments and voices, and music performances (5.3) Listen to and describe aural examples of music of various styles, genres, cultural and historical periods, identifying expressive qualities, instrumentation, and/or geographic content. (5.2)