Keeping Children with Asthma Safe in PE
A chronic lung disease that affects the airways Causes inflammation Reacts to “triggers” Results in insufficient air circulation Affects 24.6 million Americans, including 7.1 million children What is Asthma?
Early Warning Signs Persistent Cough Breathing Difficulties Posture Changes Chest and Neck Retractions Blue Lips or Fingernails Warning Signs of an Attack
Long-term asthma control medications Quick-relief medications Medications for allergy-induced asthma Medications
Individual Asthma Action Plan
The CDC has 6 strategies to address asthma as part of a coordinated school health program: ①Establish management and support systems for asthma friendly schools ②Provide appropriate school health and mental health services ③Provide education awareness programs for students and staff Management, Policies, and Procedures
④Provide safe and healthy school environment to reduce triggers ⑤Provide opportunities safe, enjoyable physical activity ⑥Coordinate school, family and community efforts to help manage symptoms and reduce student absences Management, Policies, and Procedures cont’d.
American Lung Association’s comprehensive approach to asthma management in schools provides the framework and tools needed for schools to create a long- term, sustainable plan for school- wide asthma management Asthma Friendly School Initiative (AFSI)
asthma-attack asthma-attack f f friendly-schools.html friendly-schools.html Works Cited