Welcome to the First Baptist Church
PRAY FOR THE 50 STATES Pick up a sheet today and begin praying for your state each week.
Nursery Schedule September Any questions or changes please contact Laura Kostoff, Nursery Coordinator at or Bed Babies2s and 3sSunday nightWed Night 30- Aug- 15 Lori Spangler/ Emily Schroeder Cheryl Yeomans & Amy Perez Bud & Lorraine Rawls 2- Sep- 15 Ron & Laura Kostoff 6- Sep- 15 Debbie Mulroy/ Kristen Green Jannette McLymont &Kaci McCullers Flora Zimmerly & Glenda Harris 9- Sep- 15 Dawn Long and Betty Williams 13- Sep- 15 Joanie Snow/ Laura Kostoff Allison Burns & Stella Luckey Ramona Burchard & Cathy Burchard 16- Sep- 15 Cathy Deerey/ Donna Austin 20- Sep- 15 Connie Stuhlman & Jannette McLymont Brad and Kimber Smith Glenda Harris/ Debbie Mulroy 23- Sep- 15 Elly Long/ Stella Luckey 27- Sep- 15 Jessica Zimmerly & Melinda Brandt Susan Holland & Cindy Simmons Bud & Lorraine Rawls 30- Sep- 15 Myra Keller/ Jacque Drapal
CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING September 13 th at 6PM To review financial reports To hear the report of the Nominating Committee To vote on the Deacon Board recommendations for the new deacon appointments: Aaron Deerey Herod Spangler Ron Zimmerly
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS September1Danny KellerNancy Owens September5Shane Barlar September3Lacie Shewmaker September6Elizabeth Barwick September8Corie Tolar September14Tina Spangler September16Chole Lederer September17Paul Burchard September18Lynda Rider Smith September19Lillie M. HowardStella Luckey September20Barbara HillPaul Puletti September24Martha LoftonDon Finks September25Hazel Brown September26Blake McCullers September27Lisa Smith September30Paul MartinSarah Snow
Wednesday night dinner Sept 16 Fried chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Roll, Desserts & Iced tea Dinner schedules are out throughout the church so you know what’s for dinner and who is cooking. Please pick one up. Cost of dinners remains the same $5 per person or $15 for a family, $4 for child under 10 A dinner list will be in the church to add or delete your name
Sewing For Missions Ladies are meeting every Tuesday at 9:00 AM in the social hall for a couple of hours to work on clothes and items for missions. Come every week,once a month or when you can. Join the fellowship and the fun.
Plans are underway to start a new Sunday School Class for Young Adults. If you are interested, please talk to Aaron Deerey or Brad Smith.
Children and Adult Choir will start back on September 13 Children’s choir practices at 6PM on Sunday evenings and the Adults practice at 7PM
September 23, 2015 Student led day of prayer Pray for the schools, students, teachers and our country
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Start thinking about how many boxes God wants you to make this year!
DEBT REDUCTION UPDATE Amount Received to pay off next bond $27,000 Amount Needed to pay off next bond $22,950 5 long term bonds paid off so far from 12/01/31 to 12/01/33 Demands on our contributions are high this season, but please consider a donation to the debt retirement account…
Pumpkins are due to arrive Saturday September 26 at 1pm Please sign up today to work in Pumpkin Patch during the month of October!
We have 70 for football and 37 for cheerleading. Please contact Preston Long if you would help. Reaching our community for Christ! The First Game will Saturday, September 26, 2015
Saturday, September 26, :30am Social Hall
NEW LADIES BIBLE STUDY Will meet on Tuesday nights 6 to 8 pm In the Seeker’s Class Room Debbie Platt, Leader
SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUTH & PARENTS BREAKFAST Sunday, September 20 th at 9:15am at the Youth House