Sample Q and A To what extent was the failure of the League of Nations to prevent war due to its inherent weakness?
Possible Answer?
Failure due to inherent weakness No standing military U.S. never joined the League and sometimes took actions that undermined the League. The Soviet Union did not join until 1934 in a desperate effort to contain Germany. Their intentions were suspect. The unanimous vote required in the council meant Germany had little chance of getting the League to revise the Versailles Treaty. Germany was admitted as a permanent member in Unanimous vote meant League responses would be slow and/or unenforceable. The League was not authorized to deal with the macro economic issues of industrial states that cause wars: autarky vs. free trade
Other reasons The devastating depression that began in 1929 caused massive unemployment. Unemployment could only be resolved by new markets and raw materials. Germany saw war as their only choice. Pent up resentment in Germany at the Versailles Treaty and now a devastating depression with no savings to cushion the blow. Germany had an advanced urban culture and high expectations for living that were not met by the Weimar Republic. The League was founded at the end of a devastating war when memories of war were strong. As the interwar years passed its limitations were exposed. The crisis of a world depression encouraged a backsliding to the old methods of alliances, militarism and nationalism. The Soviets were blamed for the seeds of the depression by canceling debts and adopting the autarky of Communism. They did not want a business relationship with the capitalist countries. The Communist International was a further example of the latter. World leaders who were uncomfortable with the provisions of the Versailles Treaty but unable to build consensus for change. The Soviet Revolution of 1935 remained unknown to the world.