Titel Migration & Developement – Chances and Challanges 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for “Third World Countries”, June nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“
Titel Key figures - Caritas Austria Caritas Austria employees - total: Caritas Austria foreign aid employees: 42 Volunteer Staff: Project development foreign aid: 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“
Titel Strategic plan 2014 – 2018 Disaster relief and rehabilitation Development Cooperation Quality, Program Approach & Regional Programming, Partner Regional Programs: “One common Objective, working in Synergy” 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“
Titel The ERSO Network – Vision & Goals VISION: safe, dignified and sustainable (assisted) voluntary return Assistance Define Services Link pre Departure and Post Return Link with Development Work Apply for Projects Awareness Raising Two Levels: EU States and CoO Advocacy Stake Holder & Target Groups in EU & CoO Capacity Building and Training for CoO Network Membership & Enlargement Budget Referral System Focal Point 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“
Titel Some Outcomes/Learnings in the ERSO Network Issue AssistancePositiveChallenging (Link. To Dev.) Define ServicesIn theory “Tailor Made”Budget/Person in Relation high Link Pre Departure and Post Return Structured Info. Flow Europe a. CoO Many Returnees in program without consultation in Europe Link With Development Work -Works in big cities -National NGOs -Experienced partners -No classic PCM cycle -Integration in ongoing Activities -Integration in Communities -High Expectations to Returnees -Answers to various logistic requirements Knowledge TransferWithin Counsellors in Europe “Brain Gain” – Involvement of Diaspora and Returnees needed DonorsCommon Standards, Training Programs, Knowledge Conferences National Specifics versus European Question General Requirements-Basic needs covered (Health, Water, Security…) -Answers to Climate Change 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“
Titel Cooperation between Mig & Dev – some Potential Solutions Involvement of Diaspora and Potential Returnees Link EU and National Funds, support Networks to increase number of returnees/partner/country Sector experts in CoO for “Start Ups” (Economics, Micro Credit) National Networks in CoO a “must have” Returnees “Partner for Development” (Awareness Rising, Advocacy, Job Creation) - xx experts/country, EU coordination, training (training in Europe and CoO) Include civil society in CoO/ Stake Holder Analysis donor groups Development call for proposals include Returnees as Target Group How to deal with the drama of boat people in the Mediterranean Sea? 2nd transnational meeting for exploring issues on voluntary returns for „Third World Countries“