Regulatory Measures and Crises Management Dr. M. Yaseen Pakistan Telecom Authority
Main Role of the Organization To regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems and provision of telecommunication services in Pakistan. To promote and protect the interests of users of telecommunication services in Pakistan. Continue…..
Role of the Organization during Crises Response No specific role has been defined in the Pakistan Telecom Re-org Act 1996, for the crises mangement, however: PTA acted as a Coordinator to facilitate interaction between Telecom Service Providers & the National Crisis Response Management Cell
Post Disaster Period Communication collapse No communication Link No Telephone (Fixed or Mobile) No Transmission No Radio reception except AM
Crises Response Capabilities of Organization PTA’s Crisis Response Capability can be best judged from its facilitation during the aftermath of the Earthquake of 2005, as follows: Judged the scale of the crisis Analyzed strengths of various service providers in the effected & adjoining region Reviewed Regulatory concessions
Crises Response Capabilities of Organization [contd] Directed Cellular Mobile (wireless) operators to setup communication on ‘mobile units’ in the affected areas, without any delays Directed PTCL & SCO (fixedline incumbents) to arrange immediate ‘Public Call Offices’ for public facilitation Contacted International organizations for assistance ITU APT
Crises Response Capabilities of Organization [contd] Facilitated easy in-flow of terminal- equipment through regulatory concessions Used contacts for obtaining ‘Thuraya’, Intelsat satellite handsets and ‘HF radios’ for areas in- accessible by land and terrestrial wireless means
Lesson Learned Regulatory Measures for the crises Relaxation in the Licensing Regime Infrastructure Sharing a must case Well defined Participation from the stakeholder Survey to define the weakness of existing telecom system for the crisis management Comprehensive SOP and plan of action to manage the crises
Regulation for Crisis Management Classification of ‘Crisis Events’ Preparation of Relevant Strategies Rapid Legislative Clearances, during crises Formation of Rules, Regulations and Guidelines Easy Licensing regime and SOPs during crises Roaming, priority calling, sharing of infrastructure, SMS enhancement Formation of centralized as well as distributed Crisis Management Cell structure Adopt Freq band of Public protection and disaster relief (PDPR), recommended by the ITU in WRC 2003 resolution 646, Tampere convention
Regional Co-operation Learn from the each other experience Develop Regulations for the crises Develop SOPs Maintain Inventory of the equipment to share during the crises
E-Crises Management System Decision Data Base Crises Information Center Early Warning System Sat Phone Networks Trained Personal Trained Volunteer Resources Logistics Mapping specific potential disaster location Associated risk (Flood earthquakes, Tsunami Crises Management Software Sensor Networks Mountains Ocean Geographic Information Population Distribution Roads, River System Regional Access GIS tool exist WHO Environmental Info System LAN of Weather System Web based inform Exc Coordination Cell